Customers say they can't see my images
I received my second complaint today from customers who say they can't see my images in my galleries. I know it's not everybody because I sold a picture this afternoon and I am getting hits on images I loaded today. One guy said he has tried "several different computers over several days" and still can't see the images. The other guy says he can only see the images if he clicks on the "buy multiple images" option and then he can see thumbnails. This is very bad for business since I don't know what to tell these folks. Is anyone else getting complaints like this? If two people have complained to me in one day, I wonder how many other potential customers are having a problem but have just not said anything. Help please!
Hi, have them contact our heroes, that's best - it can be any number of things, but typically:
- they're at a work location where images or sites like SmugMug are blocked
- they're blocking javascript in their browser
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I just had the same issue. I could not see the thumbs of several galleries. I seemed like the file was there and I could download it too.
I was using Firefox with Adblock Plus and it was blocking javascript on my page. I set it to allow it and then my thumbs popped up again.
I won't sell out even if the whole world think's I'm crazy.
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