GBH Kid/Parent High Drama
Drives parent nuts! Normal behavior for a "teenager". I am going to post these before it is too late, or dGrin goes down again. I love this set. The young heron is so aggressive and Papa, he just isn't putting up with it for long anymore. He eventually went across "the pond", sat kind of out of the reach of my lens, but I could see him. Ever vigilant, but not going to be abused anymore. In the last photo, you will see that this kid actually inflicts damage.

Here, and it has happened with regularity lately, this is just the best capture, here the younger bird comes up to beg/attack his/her parent.

Dad leaves............ for higher ground, one floor up the tree.....

Below the bruised and bloodied spots are apparent on the father/mother...

The poor child is bereft, of course, at the abandonment of the parent, he also manages to go up a story, but that was all I saw him do this day which was the fourth of July. On friday, the situation had not changed, yet.

Photography by ginger

Here, and it has happened with regularity lately, this is just the best capture, here the younger bird comes up to beg/attack his/her parent.

Dad leaves............ for higher ground, one floor up the tree.....

Below the bruised and bloodied spots are apparent on the father/mother...

The poor child is bereft, of course, at the abandonment of the parent, he also manages to go up a story, but that was all I saw him do this day which was the fourth of July. On friday, the situation had not changed, yet.

Photography by ginger
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
18-55mm, 28-105mm USM II, 50mm f/1.8, 400mm f/5.6
Then they have had these kids, they sat on the nests, so I got that practice, etc.
And I have my own style, kind of journalistic, kind of anthropomorphism (sp). And Andy and others have helped me..............but my bird photography has evolved, Gus, as has Harry's, Ben's, Jerry's, and everyone elses. And so will yours.
When I was having mega problems, I would shoot in almost mid day to at least stop the bird. My preferred time is as it gets dark, and in there are my problems.
How are you doing with the "bird" lens. I have a lens that I am just now getting used to, but it will never be my favorite. It is the 70-200L. Now my bird lens, we fell in love almost, not right off, but almost right off. It is a Prime, the 300L. That was fun getting used to. The one thing it hasn't done for me is put birds in the lens, that is something I really have trouble with: fliers.
And now that I have been up on the bridge I do know why. On the bridge the lens does fliers it is all the vegetation and the short runs my birds have. My lens doesn't focus that fast. One reason for that is the extender I have on with it.
I am so afraid to be without the IS or I would aggressively try to change to the 400 Prime. I don't have enough money to go in any other direction.
I am rambling, I need coffee.
Thanks very much for the nice comments, and also for giving me a way to bump this,
back to the top, I hope.
Thanks for stopping and commenting.
ginger NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"