An easy tripod?

I know this has been talked about at least 8 million times but I need advice for a tripod. Well, for every part of a a tripod. I've only had one, from best buy, very small and unstable, but all the parts came with it. But now, i know nothing about what to get with a tripod. Anyway, here is what I'm looking for. Less than $200, something that is easy to expand and compress. Also, I need something that levels pretty quickly. My last one was a pain, maybe because it was only 19$. I will mainly use it for weddings so I am always on the move and need it to be easy to move with me. I've seen those ones that you squeeze the lever to move the camera from side to side, are those good? Anyway, I am completely clueless as to wear to get it and what to get. Thanks in advance for your advice!:thumb Oh, it also needs to be easy to attach to the camera. Is this even possible?
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Second determine if you want aluminum or carbon fiber, fiber is lighter but costs more.
Third is the head if any, ball or pan and if you want a quick connect on it.
B&H have great online selection with reviews, so do J&R music.
Happy Shopping
It's not what you look at that matters: Its what you see!
I've had one for a few years, and while I love it, I'm going to be selling it soon because it's just not quite tall enough for me (I'm 6'3")
But it is definitely fast and very very convenient.
Agphotography, welcome to the Digital Grin.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums
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I second the small Slik tripods, if you're looking for portability. I have the Slik Mini II and it did fine...until I put crazy heavy lenses on it. Then the ball head couldn't support the weight properly for vertical long exposures. Not the tripod's fault wasn't designed for that.
This is what I have (supports 1/2 the weight of what CoryUT linked that may be a better option)
You might want to look at the Dolica tripods on Amazon:
6Dolica CX620B104 61-Inch Proline Carbon Fiber Tripod with Ball Head (right now $119.99):
Dolica AX620B100 62-Inch Proline Tripod and Ball Head (right now $44.89)
Both seem to get pretty favorable reviews.
for ~~$20 LESS you can have a PRO Carbon Fiber MT-8340
I have been more than happy with my's versatility is outstanding and the 4 sections make it so thatwhen I enter a train or bus or tram the pod does not collide with the door frames when it is attached to my LowePro is very sturdy even with medium format gear attached.