Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Use this thread to post pics of your offering to the gods of gustation. Use your best camera or your iPhone. Process the heck out of it, or upload it SOOC. Compliments only. No judging. Nothing to win; not even bragging rights. No one allowed to post "this is what I'm thankful for" posts either. Just unadulterated food porn.
I'll start with an iPhone-captured Breakfast of Champions pic.

(taken with the Best Camera app on the iPhone)
The 28-lb Heritage Turkey bought from a local farmer is out of the brine, and about to go in the smoker. Photos (hopefully drool-inducing ones) will follow once it is tanned and crispy.

(One last rule. You don't have to submit this today. Afterall, today should be a day for family.)
I'll start with an iPhone-captured Breakfast of Champions pic.

(taken with the Best Camera app on the iPhone)
The 28-lb Heritage Turkey bought from a local farmer is out of the brine, and about to go in the smoker. Photos (hopefully drool-inducing ones) will follow once it is tanned and crispy.

(One last rule. You don't have to submit this today. Afterall, today should be a day for family.)
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But I'm sure I'll have other items to offer up as soon as they finish baking.....
We bought a bird too big for our oven, and too big for our electric smoker, so it is smoking/roasting on the big manly grill. Here it is about halfway done:
and baked
Smoky the Turkey
Two days ago, I set up my 9 year old daughter, Gracie, with a canon Rebel and a 28-135. I showed her a few basics and she has had a ball. Intermixed with photos of the dog, the TV and frames so close to each other it looked like a movie, were a few jems of our day thus far.
Whole wheat, coconut oil and tahini crust. Really yummy. (Apparently it is unanimous: pinkies have to be up while shaping crust.)
For the cranberry orange sauce. I love this shot, but just wish it was a scosh sharper. Still... what do you want from a 9 year old.
She also captured that most elusive photo of turkeys:
Two fresh blueberry dutch cobblers one with pecans one without...
And two fresh apple dutch cobblers one with pecans one without...
As is tradition, I had a piece of the blueberry for breakfast. Fansmackintastic.
The oven is now occupied by a huge turkey, who's sole purpose is leftovers, since we are going to Grandmas for dinner.
Diva, those biscuits look delishimo.
I have never had smoked turkey... or a grilled one for that matter.
It sure looks yummy! We got a smoker this year, so maybe next year.
Okay. If this was a competition, that just won! My mouth instantly watered when I saw this pie hole!
Keep it comin'. More food porn.
Pumpkin cheesecake and more to come, but now... time to bundle it all up and take it down to my parents (we split the cooking, but are going to their house - saves me having to clean, and I'd always rather cook than clean!)
And Greg - I'm dying to know how that beeeyootiful bird came out. We didn't brine, only smoked/roasted, so we'll see! Can't wait to taste it
Happy tday everybody - enjoy these luscious meals and the time with your loved ones!
It was good.
And there will be enough leftovers for sandwiches and soup for several days.
Wow that sounds like a LOT of work. But it also sounds like it was worth it!
Some touch up in LR, learned that ISO800 looked better than flash and ISO200.
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Thanks. I had to splurge a little, just cause it is vegan doesn't mean it is healthy. Think about the chemistry in Oreos.
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Heather, here's the recipe for the biscuits - SERIOUSLY yummy. I would suggest making them thicker than the ones I have pictured; they were very good, but a tad crisper than I like because they were thin - I think if they're double that height initially they'll come out a bit fluffier. You also might want to try 2 shallots instead of one as listed; the flavour was there, but subtle, and I might have liked a slightly more assertive savory taste. But definitely one to keep and make again!
The smoked bird was fanTASTIC. Loved it. We didn't brine it, but just did a spice rub, stuck it in the electric smoker for about 5hrs, and then finished it off in the oven. Verrrry tasty, with just enough smokiness to taste like game rather than a confused chicken. Yum.
And a final item of gastroporn for your viewing pleasure: pumpkin cheesecake. And yes, as I was serving it I made everybody wait after I cut the first slice and took pictures of it. I am eeeevvvilll
Actually from last week but I did eat a slice of it today...
Wow - yours looks so much better than mine (both the photo and the cheesecake!!) WHat's the drizzle on top of it? Yuuuuuummmmmmmmmmm
Gratuitous dog porn image:
Jeff Meyers
Warm caramel, pecan something or other crust also, very good.
A friend of the family has a small business making cheesecakes, brownies, cookies and that sort of thing. I did some shots for her website, made a few dollars and got to keep everything I shot. My fridge was full for a few days, now I need to eat really healthy for a few weeks...
Thanks for the linkie!
Wow, the shallots didn't compute until I read the recipe... Interesting combo. I love to mix savory and sweet, so it would be a perfect recipe for me. If I didn't alreay have SO MANY leftovers, I might consider trying it for Turkey sandwiches.
And your pumpkin cheesecake looks sooo delish.
Ok, that makes me feel better - you were like, yanno, actually SHOOTING the food for somebody who makes it for pro rather than forcing delays on your ususpecting family....
Do it - you won't regret it! I bet they'd be good with whole wheat flour too (or maybe half white/half wheat) - the toasted walnuts add some really nice crumbly texture to them anyway so the more textured flour might just enhace it .... (sorry - love to cook and bake. Can you tell?!
I also liked the kitchen shot of the aftermath of cooking.
I'm getting some ideas about putting the bird on the grill--great idea.
Ok my food shots were taken with a lensbaby, so....
This year there was two turkeys--we had 29 people over!
I chopped off the bottom half of my turkey:( in my excitement to get a quick shot--it was my first time cooking a turkey--in brine all night and made with a chorizo stuffing mmmmmmm--and yes I chose film strip for this shot because I think it should be in movies:D .
The spread was unbeleivable and left little room for a nice table setting.
Cheesecake Flan!