Cool Kicks in the Sky

I don't know why people do this--throwing shoes up on power lines, specially such a cool pair of shoes! I want them.
There is a family of shoes growing by leaps and bounds on the power lines one block from my house (shot #2)--they must be caught and neutered.1.


Liz A.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I think I'd have a problem with my kid throwing his good shoes on to the lines.
BTW, the second shot wasn't meant as a "cool shot" I just snapped it so you guys can see where the original shot lives.
_________ need to catch a kid doing it and ask them why they throw good shoes up there
Love the first one, by the way. Composition, colour, and post-processing are all spot on in my opinion.
Edit: some info on Wikipedia:
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Very interesting read on wiki -- thanks for looking it up
Thanks for the info:) some interesting theories in that article from "shoefiti" to a "shoe throwing sport". That particular block has a group of kids in their early teens, they are big time into skating and usually gather under that particular line with shoes--I will ask them next time, they are a nice bunch of kids.
I laughed so hard when I read about how shoe throwing is big in all these different countries, including Bolivia (which is where I"m from) but also the U.S..
Thanks for looking it up and for commenting on my first photo. I also like how it came out and was particularly pleased that it was so sharp.
I just asked my husband and he remembers doing that when he was a kid but doesn't remember why they did it, just that it was really cool to have your shoes up there.
I never did that--my mother would have killed me
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Hola amigito,
You will be happy to know that shoe throwing on powerlines is also prevalent in Argentina:)
Where are you living now?
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For now I'm staying put.
For now:)