Cute newborn photos, but the images are searingly hot on this monitor (yes, calibrated). Like burning my retinas hot. (But maybe that is because I've spent the last 16 hours in post.)
agree with above
Nice shots -- great poses, but the light feels a little too harsh. Looks to be shot that way, but could be in editing maybe? If in editing I'd say scale back a bit and you have some nice shots.
Quick question, you said "horrible location" were they shot outdoors? I would have just moved out of the sun, onto some nice even light ... that would have solved your problem
I remember your style being quite high key ... but those shots looks mostly over exposed. The whites lost their details, and in #2 baby's skin is over exposed, that it appears white (white-white!) ... See if you can fix it, here is a little tutorial, but there are many ways to do it (of course it would be easiest if you shot in RAW mode):
It looks as if you were using window light. If you were one mistake people make when using window light is to put the subject mid window. Wrong placement....the light is harsh there. Move them toward the very rear of the window and the light becomes softer as well as the shadows become less harsh. If you were in the middle of the window a bed sheet stretched out over the child would have acted like a giant light box and softened the light. Try that next time the lighting is that harsh.
Quick question, you said "horrible location" were they shot outdoors? I would have just moved out of the sun, onto some nice even light ... that would have solved your problem
I remember your style being quite high key ... but those shots looks mostly over exposed. The whites lost their details, and in #2 baby's skin is over exposed, that it appears white (white-white!) ... See if you can fix it, here is a little tutorial, but there are many ways to do it (of course it would be easiest if you shot in RAW mode):
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Proud Photog for The Littlest Heroes Project and Operation: LoveReunited
Lovin' my Canon 5D Mark II!
Nice shots -- great poses, but the light feels a little too harsh. Looks to be shot that way, but could be in editing maybe? If in editing I'd say scale back a bit and you have some nice shots.
I'm a Nikon Girl:tuesday
I remember your style being quite high key ... but those shots looks mostly over exposed. The whites lost their details, and in #2 baby's skin is over exposed, that it appears white (white-white!) ... See if you can fix it, here is a little tutorial, but there are many ways to do it (of course it would be easiest if you shot in RAW mode):
And yea, these were outdoors, it was a little chilly so we were trying to be in the sun a bit, this is MY son so I was just playing around
I agree #2 is OVER exposed, I made it worse in PS while just playing around with it!
Thanks for the input! I love it!
I'm a Nikon Girl:tuesday