Elements with NX?

Costco has a sale for PS Elements 8 @ fifty bucks! Currently I only use Capture NX and find it fits all my needs (so far) for RAW and ‘fixing’ photos. Would Elements allow me to have a little more fun with the photos like blending and layering photos, creating cards, etc. … or is Elements too similar to NX?
~AnnaMaria~ My little life in God's big universe
I'm curious what others will recommend.
yes, Elements is great for creating things like cards, dvd labels and jackets, slideshows, and just about anything you could think of. Very user friendly compared to CS4 (I have LR2, PSE 7, and CS4 and use PSE for a lot of things that I haven't quite figured out yet in CS4). I haven't tried the NIK software in PSE though.