Can't upload photos - is smugmug down?
I can't upload any photos into any of my galleries this morning (Sun. 11/29 @ 10:30 am CDT). Is there a problem with smugmug, or just specific to my site?
If problem specific to my site only, could someone please help? I can log into my account, but when I click on "add photos" (no matter which gallery), it kicks me out and totally shuts down my browser. Never had this issue before. Thanks.
If problem specific to my site only, could someone please help? I can log into my account, but when I click on "add photos" (no matter which gallery), it kicks me out and totally shuts down my browser. Never had this issue before. Thanks.
Angela Classen - Natural Images Photography
Grand Junction, Colorado Web site Photography Blog
Grand Junction, Colorado Web site Photography Blog
Uploads don't seem to be working from me this AM.
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Grand Junction, Colorado Web site Photography Blog
We have found that updating your current installation of java will typically resolve this issue.
Follow these steps to make sure your java is up to date for a PC:
1) Go to
2) Click on "Do I have Java?" and wait for the test to run.
3) Follow the steps to get the latest version of Java if you need it.
Please let us know if you continue to have problems.
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I changed some keywords locally and wanted to replace the pics on smug. I was trying to replace them using the Smugmug default uploader. The "replace" didn't seem to take this morning. It seemed to upload, but the new keywords didn't appear on smug. Then I couldn't try it again in "replace mode" because the uploader skipped it as a duplicate. I just tried using "allow dups" and it uploaded a 2nd copy of the pic OK just now.
I also had some trouble uploading movies this AM, but it all could be on my end.
I know, too vague. I'll keep messing with it and build you a better clue trail if I can. Meanwhile, I've deleted the gallery and am reuploading it, so that should be a work-around.
I just uploaded a new batch and it went fine, but when i try and view the pic on any of my galleries, I get a 404 error. Can not connect to webpage.
Any help would be appreciated.
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That seems to have fixed the problem. I uploaded photos just a couple weeks ago (with the java application) and didn't realize that an updated version needed to be used since then. Thanks, Andy.
Grand Junction, Colorado Web site Photography Blog
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Andy, I'm also having problems uploading. For one thing - the files are whipping out of my upload page, faster than I've ever seen them, but then when I go to my new gallery, it's empty. I've tried three times on one gallery in the past 20 minutes.
My site is very slow loading, also D-Grin is very slow.
I think something is wrong someplace. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Let us know?
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Thanks for the reply. add is
I removed your custom domain from your SmugMug control panel, it can be added back once your CNAME is properly set up again.
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I tried re-starting, I don't think it helped. I don't have a way to connect with wire.
edit: no, did not help. I also re-booted, that didn't help either. Have tried re-uploading, the files continue to *whip* out of my computer at lightning speed, but there's not much to show for it in my gallery.
According to my connection info, I have a very good connection. Also, all the lights on my modem are blinking, so I don't know what's going on. Have not encountered this before. I am about to quit for the day. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
Thanks Andy...
Do i need to go in and correct the CNAME, or is it taken care of through what you did? I can now see everything again.
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Good morning.
Am beginning day #2 of uploading problems, begun last night. As last reported, my connection is reported as excellent, all lights are on in my modem.
Web pages were loading just fine - until I went to my SM site and started to try re-uploading into gallery I created last night.
Same problem - files whipping out of my computer at lightning speed, when I go to my gallery, the same ten images are there that were there last night. My log reports 1 error - "time out."
Furthermore, where my web pages were loading just fine prior to my signing in to my SM site and attempting to up-load - now nothing is loading properly - everything is bogged down.
Need assistance, please, as I sure don't want to throw my morning away on this task that should be taking 30 minutes. Thank you. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook
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This may be of interest to others: the problem was my AVG link scanner. I upgraded to v9 yesterday, hence the arrival of this new issue.
I had already been turning off my link scanner in order to up-load videos, now, with AVG9, it appears that Enable Surf Shield in link scanner must be turned off when uploading photos.
All is working fine now.
Thank you, Andy, and to SmugMug help desk's speedy reply and problem-solving. - Edgartown News - Trad Diary - Facebook