Popular Photos - Thumbnail Style - See in Gallery

When I view Smugmug's Popular photos or my Popular photos in the Thumbnail style there is no link to "see photo in gallery" . In order to view the gallery for the photo I have to switch to either the Smugmug style or Journal style to be able to click on the "see photo in gallery" link.
Would it be possible to add a "see photo in gallery" link to the thumbnail style? A good place to add it would be at the top of the screen next to "Show Details" or under the caption when you click on the thumbnail to see the large photo as it is in the Journal style.
Would it be possible to add a "see photo in gallery" link to the thumbnail style? A good place to add it would be at the top of the screen next to "Show Details" or under the caption when you click on the thumbnail to see the large photo as it is in the Journal style.
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