My First Sale!

I just had to share--I sold my first print on SmugMug that didn't go to my mom.
I was checking my email last night and found a proof delay notice. I thought, "What did Mom buy now?" and discovered it was from someone I didn't know! Yea!! Thanks, SmugMug!!

The MoxieBlog
Keep up the good work!
Big congrats! Always a thrill when that "you've made a sale" email arrives!
I sold my first one awhile back and it shocked the heck out of me
Lauren Blackwell
Yeah it was a nice kind of shock, but my ticker was sure thumpin' for awhile. Then fear ran though my mind....wondering if it would print out ok.
What's an interesting analysis is to see how many photos were viewed that month up to that time. Then you can figure out a view to sale ratio.
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That's where I am. I have my personal stuff done at WHCC. If/ when I sell a print, I hope Bay Photo comes out as well.
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
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Lauren Blackwell
Lakewood, Colorado, USA
My Pictures | My blog
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Lauren Blackwell
FYI - on your digital download page there is no "Buy" link showing up for me. I'm on Firefox.