Dss #38 Unofficial Feedback Thread - Oops!

Here is the official gallery to give your C&C for DSS#38
Gallery here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #38!!
This thread is:
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this (minus the space in the IMG tags)
Happy Feedbacking :scratch
Gallery here...
Once more into the fray. This unofficial feedback thread is a catch-all of sorts, lets make it happen:thumb
Anyway, let's start feedback on DSS #38!!
This thread is:
- a place to post a list of your top ten favorites. (be heard, and let everyone know what images moved you.)
- a place to post your "the making of my image"
- a place to ask someone "how did they do that?"(for us all to see:D )
It's easy to post thumbnails (with help from our Moderator).
With the image selected in the gallery, copy its URL from your browser, add "-Th.jpg" to the end, delete the jumble of numbers and letters preceding the hashtag (#), change "gallery" to "photos" and that's it.
Change this url
To this (minus the space in the IMG tags)
Happy Feedbacking :scratch
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
Bravi tutti!
and here is the shot:
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
My Photos
My Facebook
Good luck to all. Here are my top ten:
JAG- Gone....
CoryUT- Dropped and busted
JeffMyers- A Big Mess
MrsCue- So....
Aspecto5- Dropped off
richtersl- Son of a ....
SundaysChild- Oh Deer
photo-bug- Lerning steps
fotomom- Your head...
Halite- Handle with Care
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Yikes! well I hope that's not the case for everyone.
Nelson Lehner
Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
Very funny. I didn't see that before.
My Photos
My Facebook
Don't get me wrong. It wasn't a criticism! I think it was a very fun touch.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Now ain't you a slick one, LoL and here I am judging your photo and not even looking to the skys, Hahahaaa guess I am gonna have to keep my eyes on you mister
Very creative, love it!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com