first sports post...skatepark

hiya sports fans! i visited the local skate park the other day and thought i'd share a few pics. i mostly shoot wildlife and i found the hard way that sports is a different beast all together!
this kid was by far the best at the park

he did take one nasty spill right before i left...

but he was back at it in no time

any suggestions for next time? i know i need to work on the backgrounds and it would be nice to see more of the lad's face...maybe i'll take a collection to get him a haircut
thanks for the look!
this kid was by far the best at the park

he did take one nasty spill right before i left...

but he was back at it in no time

any suggestions for next time? i know i need to work on the backgrounds and it would be nice to see more of the lad's face...maybe i'll take a collection to get him a haircut

thanks for the look!
There is always skaters at the school across the street from my house but I don't know how they would feel about me taking pics so I just usually watch them. They do some pretty amazing stuff.
It's better to be hated for who you are than to be loved for who you're not.
There is a skate board park within walking distance of my house, but I've never really stopped to watch them, there are no big valley's like those shown in your images, so they cant get up much speed to the thing the young lad is doing in your images.......some of those kids with skate boards and roller skate do do amazing those mid air captures you shot, you did well to be able to even keep up the the boy.......
..thanks for sharing Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
we got some stink eye at first and i think one of them even called us vultures, but after a while one of the skaters asked us what mag we shot for. i told him we were just two old dudes who used to skate and now are too busted up for it...but we still love skating. after that they almost started to show off for us.
Nice shots. I had a tough time at a rodeo trying to keep focus and watch the action for timing. Sports is definitely another beast, and yes a bit addicting.
Other than a hair cut for the lad, the only other comment might be to slow down the shutter a bit. You probably won't get as many usable shots, but some motion blur will give a bit more feel of action (not that they don't already). Guess you could do the same in PS also.
To Eric if you read this,
Go to the park and take a few shots. They'll probably complain and give you some dirty looks. Show them a few captures on your camera or print a few and give it to them. I think from then on, you'd be more than accepted. It's amazing what a picture can do.
Thanks for sharing these,
A picture is but words to the eyes.
Comments are always welcome.
Nice pics, I'm old but I think the hair makes for a better pic. Nice action shots.
thanks for the comments and especially the suggestions, i appreciate all the help i can get!