
Heading out on a cruise in a couple days and not sure if I will have internet connection or the time to put thought into this challenge. So I thought of something today before I pack up my gear for the trip....
With winter already apon us here in AK...I had brought my new ( of spring) rose bushes into the house a couple months ago. Well they have decided to bloom again which gives me great pleasure! To think I have roses in winter! The flowers are not as big as they are when they are outside...but they are pretty just the same. I picked the one bloom that is opened and took it outside and stuck it in the contrast the unusualness of this phenominon. Let me know which you like better in image and name. (forgive the watermark in the middle). Or should I see if I can do something better (there is always something better....but timing is always a factor).
So these can be called either "Misplaced" or 'Imperfect"....


With winter already apon us here in AK...I had brought my new ( of spring) rose bushes into the house a couple months ago. Well they have decided to bloom again which gives me great pleasure! To think I have roses in winter! The flowers are not as big as they are when they are outside...but they are pretty just the same. I picked the one bloom that is opened and took it outside and stuck it in the contrast the unusualness of this phenominon. Let me know which you like better in image and name. (forgive the watermark in the middle). Or should I see if I can do something better (there is always something better....but timing is always a factor).
So these can be called either "Misplaced" or 'Imperfect"....



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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
So I think I will have to see what comes of this weekend when I am in the caribbean. I pretty much have decided on buying the expensive internet connection on the cruise so I can upload pictures when needed.
It's lovely. And I especially like the version with the vase.
But since you're heading to the Caribbean, you'll have plenty of more photo ops that you will be proud of and will suffice for the challenge. Most ports of call will have Internet Cafes, which will be a lot cheaper than using Internet on board ship.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Great minds think alike. I went through all the albums of our judges to get a feel for what they like and know....I think a portrait of a person with a motorcycle in the image and a beautiful scenic background with some form of ps magic to make it totally awsome! I wonder if I can pull it off?
You got it!
Los Angeles dance photographer
Should be some great photo ops!
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