10 y/o modeling session...
So dd is into posing for the camera these days. No problem for me! I think she sees it as Mom and daughter bonding time because I just rave when I get some keepers of her. She also got a camera for her birthday and is now learning photoshop so she finds all of this a great big game!
These were from a few weeks ago. I'm UP TO MY HEAD in putting together Christmas projects at the moment (calendars and books). I'm also doing a book for ds #2's 1st birthday.
Anyway, these are for a calendar I'm making. She will get the month of November for these... Please cc to help me pick what is best---and let me know your impressions!! I value your thoughts, input and comments very much!
So without further ado....two sets--
The first set: the village shots
The second set: The lake
These were from a few weeks ago. I'm UP TO MY HEAD in putting together Christmas projects at the moment (calendars and books). I'm also doing a book for ds #2's 1st birthday.
Anyway, these are for a calendar I'm making. She will get the month of November for these... Please cc to help me pick what is best---and let me know your impressions!! I value your thoughts, input and comments very much!
So without further ado....two sets--
The first set: the village shots
The second set: The lake
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Houston Portrait Photographer
Children's Illustrator
Very pretty girl (when she's relaxed) !
- Wil
Wil (or anyone). Are there any sort of 'smiling' lessons out there? My kid tends to over-smile, and I try to show her how much better she looks when she doesn't force it, but somewhere along the way she engrained herself with some bad habits.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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I wish I lived by a village :cry
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Be glad she is open to modeling for you and has some natural talent in that regard. One of my daughters hates to have her pciture taken while the other loves the camera. However the one that love to have her picture taken will not follow my instructions for a pose and does her own thing regardless of what I tell her.
Very nice series. I echo most of the comments above.
Tell her she looks precious in braces and to open those lips and smile!
18 - 55 kit lens
55- 200 VR kit lens
Lots of desires
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
I dunno about "smiling lessons" but I think the trick is getting the subject to be totally oblivious of the camera. A recent example of this was one of the pics in this thread. #8 was taken without the girl realizing it, and look at just how relaxed she appears to be. I think it to be one of the most striking pictures I've seen here in a long time.
So, perhaps the trick is to get the subject to be comfortable, ignore the camera and relax…
- Wil
PS: Just seen the second set…
Just tell her that the braces aren't forever…
…but those beautiful blue eyes are!
(I'll remove if you don't approve…)
- Wil
I kind of agree that there's a sameyness about her smiles in several shots, but the fact that she's concealing braces explains it. I do not necessarily agree that it should be your goal to make her oblivious to the camera. Candids and posed shots are just two different kinds of pictures; I don't think one is necessarily better than the other. A mix of the two might be nice.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
Wil...I showed my daughter this a.m. your edit and THAT made her smile. Wow...what a difference those braces have made. That was neat
Craig, you sure are spot on with this being the 50 1.8 piece. It was open to 2...I hadn't noticed the hexagons until you mentioned it. So I guess a better lens would have given me more circular bokeh? Very interesting. Thanks for the input everyone. The page is now done... I'm working on another today and I'll post for more cc later. THANK YOU ALL!
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“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
Any lens shot wide open should have circular bokeh because the aperture blades are fully retracted. When you stop down, you get bokeh in whatever shape the aperture becomes. If the lens has curved blades (most don't, and those that do tend to be pro-grade), then you still get circular or nearly circular bokeh. Otherwise the bokeh are in figures with the same number of sides as the number of blades. In the case of the Canon 50mm f/1.8, five blades make for pentagonal bokeh. Canon's 50mm f/1.4 has seven blades for heptagonal bokeh. Most Canon lenses have 6, 7, or 8 blades. Some Tokina lenses have 9 blades, and some Zeiss lenses have as many as 12.
This isn't the only thing that matters for bokeh quality, but it is the most important influence on the bokeh's shape.
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
My Photostream
Great pics -- love the location in the first series. My favorites 1, 4 and 11. Great work. Great model.
CTU Photography
Got bored with digital and went back to film.
CTU, I hope you post those pics of your dd if you go out with her this weekend. I'm just ADORE seeing photos of kids.
Thanks again everybody. Wish we were having better weather so I could to out again. Oh and about the outfit...This was 100% the pre-teen choice of clothing She marched down one morning (it was the weekend so Dad was home to babysit the younger kids). She was all dressed up and said she wanted to "do pictures". I noticed the hotpink lines on the skirt and the red bow...also the 2 cremes not entirely matching and opted to either ruin the entire idea by telling her to change....OR grabbing my camera and saying GREAT! ! Obviously the latter.
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