One dog and a bunch of birds

This is Cody, and he is a pain in the..... but he is cute. Still playing with off camera strobe. What can I do to improve lighting on this one?

Came across these birds just chillin on a cool morning. Was going to go sihloutett, but opted for a little HDR instead. Thoughts?

C&C always welcome and appreciated

Came across these birds just chillin on a cool morning. Was going to go sihloutett, but opted for a little HDR instead. Thoughts?

C&C always welcome and appreciated
my take on the first one (i'm no expert, so take it with a grain of salt), the blacks have a little of that blue/white hint from the flash, were you using a diffuser? cute dog and nice framing on him.
Good eyes... not using a diffuser... maybe should? I don't see any hint of blue, so maybe it's me or my monitor perhaps.
If using my sb600 i always use the diffuser.. unless it's a wide portrait then i'll take it off and use the wide angle flap. I find that bouncing the flash always has a better result as well. JMO of course. now that i went back and looked again.. it's more of a white/gray tinge between his eyes, to the side of his right eye/face and then a bit on the right shoulder.
I like all the birds in the tree, but agree the yellow leaves draw my eye in more them the birds do. That's a whole bunch of birds
Definitely helps with direction and techniques.