Night Heron Fest
Since our esteem Moderator (you know who you are
) said it was OK !!
Here goes with some recent NH's
did he say NH Fest :uhoh

who said that ??

I'm too young gotta leave

Wait for me, I'll play

Just my luck stuck on this stick when the photogs show up

Hey wait don't leave.....:D here's one more :lol4

Here goes with some recent NH's
did he say NH Fest :uhoh

who said that ??

I'm too young gotta leave

Wait for me, I'll play

Just my luck stuck on this stick when the photogs show up

Hey wait don't leave.....:D here's one more :lol4

Except for the ones I screwed up the other night: well it was almost after dark. Bill was on the phone to me, I shot too fast..........after dropping the phone on the ground.
I swear, in addition to that deer, I saw just about every kind of bird I would have hoped for, except the Wood Stork.
I found out about a "new" area, but it is not that close.
Ben, did you put your bird on Jeff's bunch of vegetation?
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Send me the 500, please.
gotta run.........
Hi ginger
No Jeff put his bird on my vegetation :lol4
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hey Andy
thanks for stopping by, but I thought you were on vacation
get off the computer and go play in the water
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Hey Harry I got 300 now and a tc17 will put me in that magic range, right ??!!
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I have a 300 Canon, Prime, and a 1.4 TC that I leave on the lens. This is the headache:
it will lower your DOF, more than your f stop would ordinarily give you: a tech thing there and I don't understand tech things, but My Moose guy says it, and it is soooo true.
and it will slow down your AF, less light, you know. Your lens will hunt more with the TC than without it.
Smile, welcome to the world of "working with" problems in photography. Or spending a gazillion dollars to eliminate the problems. Would I like to be able to just get a 500, or a 600. I still need, I do, I NEED to be able to handhold, so it would have to be in that range, plus image stabilization. IS is why I still have the 300 rather than the 400, I am scared to be without the IS. I handhold just about everything.
But I just thought you could use the info re TCs right off, so you can explain to people why you got a bad shot, at those few times you might actually get a shot that is less than you might have wished............and other people don't have those problems as they don't have OUR, now you know.
Morning Khaos
and thanks for stopping and commenting
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Morning Ginger
thank you for the heads up about TC. I have been studying along with learning to handle raw
I'll pass a tip along to you as well. The truth be know you have to use a tripod/monopod something for support when you start reaching out mm wise like we do with wildlife. Every photog worth his salt does and recommends so, they can't all be wrong!! I have seen the effects of both on my own work and it's tripod or at least monopod always for me!!
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G+ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
You your breakin my bank here Boss
Just a tad short ???? :wow
Jeff and I saw a guy Sunday had a Canon (we forgave him
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G+ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"