I took these a few months ago and just got around to looking at them.. they seem a bit noisy even though they were shot at iso200 :dunno
But still thought they came out kinda cool.
#1 - Something wicked this way comes

#2 - wonder if there were two pots of gold

C&C welcomed as always
As for the two pots of gold....maybe so
A lover of all things photography.
Olympus E-500
My Smugmug Gallery
I have been chasing pots of gold my whole life.. finally found something in photography that i feel at ease with.. well, cept for the pirce tag on "needed" gear..
Thank you for the nice comment.
thanks very much for the compliment, what was wild is those pics were on the same day within hours of each other (if that - have to check the exif).
why thank you.. i'll have to go back through some from that day.. probably have some more, but that one seemed to jump out at me to process.
It is something to behold that is for sure.. matter of fact I think it's my favorite thing to capture