Yikes --- The White Hand

My CS3 has been taken over by the "white hand" and I can't get it to go away. I've tried all the other tools, but seems that darn hand just wants to stay there and irritate the heck out of me today.
Could someone tell me how to make it go away so I could do some editing :rofl
Could someone tell me how to make it go away so I could do some editing :rofl

I've had that problem from time to time with CS3, running PC. Usually restarting the program sets it right. And sometimes I have to restart the computer in Safe Mode, shut down and restart normally to make it go away. Hasn't happened lately. But you might give it a whirl.
Thunder Rabbit GRFX
I'll try shutting it down and see what happens.
…look at reply #18 in this thread
- Wil
Wil you have a good memory to find that old thread
I shut down my computer and re-started it just a few minutes ago. Checked out CS3 and its hummin' good now.
I'll remember the space bar trick as I'm sure it will happen again. Seems once a program finds a trick to fool ya....it does it again
Thanks Wil.