Uploading: "Bad AlbumID" Errors

I've been uploading a large batch for oh, a day or so now, but just recently the uploader is showing errors. In the error log, is says "Bad AlbumID". I checked my control panel log and no errrors. :scratch
I'm trying to figure out what has happened. :dunno If this batch is soiled, I'll have to just delete it and start over again. There were some duplicate filenames in the batch so it has to just upload perfectly from the get go. :cry
I'm trying to figure out what has happened. :dunno If this batch is soiled, I'll have to just delete it and start over again. There were some duplicate filenames in the batch so it has to just upload perfectly from the get go. :cry
Pictures and Videos of the Huntsville Car Scene: www.huntsvillecarscene.com
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I restarted my browser, per Andy's advice, and everything worked fine. It's quite possible I had visitor view turned on in another tab, as I had been making some changes. When I restarted the browser, that tab would have gone away. Good to know - thanks!!
The MoxieBlog
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