Keyword Inconsistency
Names have been changed to protect the innocent.
If a file is tagged with multiple keywords, it groups the spaces in their tag names. For example see (unlisted gallery)
Which Windows shows 4 keywords
Raymond Benet; Tom Hawt; Scott Ma; Ish Is
SmugMug puts the keywords as "raymond benet", "tom hawt", "scott ma", "ish is"
However take in the same gallery and it has one name:
Michael Ryan
However the keywords for it are "ryan", "michael"
This seems very inconsistent and I would like to know a way of forcing one behavior or the other (or both would be great too, for example, the 4 people should get "raymond benet", "raymond", "benet", "tom hawt", "tom", "hawt", "scott ma", "scott", "ma", "ish is", "ish", "is")
If a file is tagged with multiple keywords, it groups the spaces in their tag names. For example see (unlisted gallery)
Which Windows shows 4 keywords
Raymond Benet; Tom Hawt; Scott Ma; Ish Is
SmugMug puts the keywords as "raymond benet", "tom hawt", "scott ma", "ish is"
However take in the same gallery and it has one name:
Michael Ryan
However the keywords for it are "ryan", "michael"
This seems very inconsistent and I would like to know a way of forcing one behavior or the other (or both would be great too, for example, the 4 people should get "raymond benet", "raymond", "benet", "tom hawt", "tom", "hawt", "scott ma", "scott", "ma", "ish is", "ish", "is")
Bennett Family Gallery
Uh Ohhhh. :hang
I thought the new system was switching to commas only?
I did have all my phrases quote separated, but with the changes SmugMug made, most of them disappeared, leaving only the commas between them. I've been slowly manually removing quotes as I stumble onto them.
Doc could you please say what the new rules are, if there are any?
Do I now need to put the quotes back in?
The phrases are showing in the keyword gallery properly - as phrases, when they are comma separated only - which has contributed to my belief that quotes are gone.
I just tested this today and think it's a bug. I found three work around's in case you only have 1 keyword with multiple words in it:
1. Add a second keyword, like: my first keyword, my second keyword
2. Add just a comma, like: my first keyword,
3. Add quotes, like: "my first keyword"
Maybe it's easiest in your software to add an extra keyword to every photo, like "all". However, I just got word that you can't upload and replace images when the actual graphic isn't changed so you can't do that. Well, you could do it all on-line, manually.
my equipment: Canon 5D2, 7D, full list here
my Smugmug site: here
Thank you. With so many people asking about the rules and posting varying results, I was poised to post a speculation that Smugmug is still programming everything, hence the inability to answer so many questions. I really appreciate SmugMug telling everyone the programming isn't finished as an explanation for why we should hold onto our hats and wait awhile. Thank you.