Wireless Flash Trigger
I did a quick search and couldn't find exactly what I was looking for. I am looking for a way to fire my flash off my camera. I'm shooting a Nikon D80 and a cheap, Nikon compatible flash. I've looked at sync cables, which seems like a good idea, but I don't like being tethered. I'd like to have something wireless, but can't afford anything high dollar. What is everyone using on the cheap and how has it been working for you? What would you recommend to me? Thanks!
much more reliable, and very reasonably priced: http://shop.radiopopper.com/radiopopperjrxbasickitusca.aspx
more expensive and EVEN MORE BETTER: elinchrom skyport, paul buff cybersync, pocketwizards.
Tim they look awesome and i made my mind for my 400D and 580 combo, i was wondering will they work on XXD or XD series as well ? their separate listing for 40D and 400D is confusing me.
For 400D 450D and 1000D
For 5D and 40D
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I shoot Nikon, and there are separate nikon and canon versions of the triggers, but within the brands the only difference in the sets are the cable that attaches to the camera for use as a shutter release. I'm guessing that the 40D, 5D, etc. uses a PC connection for the shutter release function while the 400D probably has some other type of connection. However, if used solely as flash triggers it doesn't matter what set you get (as long as it's a Canon set) because you just mount it in the hotshoe and don't need the cable.
Awesome, thanks for the information !
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The RD616 has served me very well.......I also found I can fire upto 4 flash units from 1 receiver attached to a 4-way multi sync connector (which is actually very old- over 15yrs old) ..... so for those wanting to have 2 or 3 flashes in 1 softbox or umbrella....you should be able to fire them all with only 1 receiver (RD616 receiver)...............