Speedlite 540 EZ - will it work with digital?
I am getting conflecting reports on this flash.
canons website says, "The 540EZ is a powerful, high-output auto-zoom shoe-mount flash with a maximum guide number of 54/177 (ISO 100 m/ft) which is compatible with all EOS cameras." http://www.usa.canon.com/html/cameras_speedlite/540ez.html
Many revies state it will not work with a digi cam...
"Weaknesses: Doesn't work with Digicams"
What am I to believe?
canons website says, "The 540EZ is a powerful, high-output auto-zoom shoe-mount flash with a maximum guide number of 54/177 (ISO 100 m/ft) which is compatible with all EOS cameras." http://www.usa.canon.com/html/cameras_speedlite/540ez.html
Many revies state it will not work with a digi cam...
"Weaknesses: Doesn't work with Digicams"
What am I to believe?
When an EZ series Speedlite set in the TTL or ATTL autoflash mode is mounted on the EOS Digital Rebel, the flash will not fire. The manual flash mode must be used (with Speedlites having a manual mode). You must set the camera's shutter speed to 1/200 second (maximum flash synchro shutter speed) or slower, and set the aperture to a value appropriate to the flash's guide number and the distance to the subject.
You are recommended to set the white balance to Flash to shoot.
For best results, the EOS Digital Rebel should be used with EX series Speedlite flashes.
Thank you for choosing Canon.
Product Support Representative
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
I have both a 550EX and a 420EX. The 550 is certainly more capable, but for random shooting I prefer the 420 because it's lighter and smaller, and the price of the 420 is certainly a lot easier to swallow.
One thing Canon doesn't mention is that the zoom feature of these flashes is not adjusted for the smaller sensor size (effectively longer lens) when using digital. It ain't no big thing though.
Right now, they just light up a larger area than needed when using a smaller-than-35mm-frame sized sensor.
Supported by: Benro C-298 Flexpod tripod, MC96 monopod, Induro PHQ1 head
Also play with: studio strobes, umbrellas, softboxes, ...and a partridge in a pear tree...