I was out shooting a breast cancer awareness walk a few weeks ago for some friends and think I managed to get a few pictures but wanted to see what others thought. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
I was out shooting a breast cancer awareness walk a few weeks ago for some friends and think I managed to get a few pictures but wanted to see what others thought. Comments and suggestions are appreciated.
As I see it, this is difficult. Because this would depend on what you wanted from them, what did you feel the aim was? Fun or a message?
As shots in their own right, they're nice shots Do they represent breast cancer for me? Probably not. And this is where giving an opinion would be difficult in my opinion.
When I'm taking shots, I split into two categories. My shots that are driven from a desire or a feeling and usually spontaneous, and my shots where I want to put over a message or a statement for myself or for someone else. These I'll plan to get the best possible coverage to tell a story.
As I see it, this is difficult. Because this would depend on what you wanted from them, what did you feel the aim was? Fun or a message?
As shots in their own right, they're nice shots
When I'm taking shots, I split into two categories. My shots that are driven from a desire or a feeling and usually spontaneous, and my shots where I want to put over a message or a statement for myself or for someone else. These I'll plan to get the best possible coverage to tell a story.
Not sure if that helps really.
EMail : greg_m@hotmail.co.uk
SmugMug: http://www.gregmartin.co.uk