Drag to Arrange issue
In the 'drag to arrange' functionality, I've determined that when the image is dragged to it's new location, it's position in the actual gallery is updated when the image is put in it's new place, rather than waiting for the user to hit the 'done' button.
This is a problem, in that it doesn't allow the user to make some trial changes, and then discard it if it didn't work and try again.
The only time image positioning should be updated is when the "done" button is hit, and not before.
This is a problem, in that it doesn't allow the user to make some trial changes, and then discard it if it didn't work and try again.
The only time image positioning should be updated is when the "done" button is hit, and not before.
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which becomes a problem for users who'll hit the 'back' button or close the window in order to avoid committing changes they don't want to keep, only to come back later and find out too late that the deed's already been done.
Good UI design wouldn't commit the changes until the user hits a 'commit' button.
I hope this is reflected in future UI designs.