Traffic Cone

Just something I found when I was going through old shots. It's part of my ongoing effort to create some creativity . . . :scratch Huh?
I played around with the high pass filter on this one. It's also a merge of 2 shots. I tried B&W but it didn't work very well since the orange is so central to traffic cones. Comments?
I played around with the high pass filter on this one. It's also a merge of 2 shots. I tried B&W but it didn't work very well since the orange is so central to traffic cones. Comments?

Creativity -- ya' just gotta love it -- its so much fun
Lauren Blackwell
I knew someone was likely to comment about the centered cone. I did try it off-center but it looked odd to me. It's not a great work of art in any event; just something I was playing with.
Thanks for looking! I miss seeing your comments on my shots . . . but maybe that's because I haven't posted many?!
Lauren Blackwell
Lauren, I have been looking for your posts and didn't see any...... Maybe you have been on another forum and I don't looked at those all the time..... azzaro