Uploader shows transfer is ok, but files do not upload
Over the last few months I have seen problems with the main smugmug uploader, but not to the extent I have seen this weekend.
I tried to upload 53 jpg files to a folder.
The uploader adds them correct and it looks like they are uploading. 50 uploaded and I had 3 errors.
When I go to look at the folder, no files have transfered. I've tried this twice using Firefox and Internet Explorer. Same result.
The strange thing is the uploader shows the files uploading too quick. It says my data is transfering around 5-6 Mb/s. This is not possible as my upload speed (uverse) is 1Mb/s.
Why does the uploader say the files have transfered when they haven't?
I then decided to try the third party desktop application as shown on Smugmugs upload page.
That sort of worked....
All jpgs under 12meg uploaded, all over 12 meg (up to 21 meg) failed to upload.
Is there a size limit?
I tried to upload 53 jpg files to a folder.
The uploader adds them correct and it looks like they are uploading. 50 uploaded and I had 3 errors.
When I go to look at the folder, no files have transfered. I've tried this twice using Firefox and Internet Explorer. Same result.
The strange thing is the uploader shows the files uploading too quick. It says my data is transfering around 5-6 Mb/s. This is not possible as my upload speed (uverse) is 1Mb/s.
Why does the uploader say the files have transfered when they haven't?
I then decided to try the third party desktop application as shown on Smugmugs upload page.
That sort of worked....
All jpgs under 12meg uploaded, all over 12 meg (up to 21 meg) failed to upload.
Is there a size limit?
Thanks Dan. Is that a limit of the desktop loader or smugmug in general? My new 7D pumps out some big files, i'll have to lower the output from Lightroom
I'm still confused why the normal uploader shows the files transferred (right from 5meg up to 22meg) but none of them actually do transfer.
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
Does anyone know the answer to my original problem?
The main uploader shows files transfering (both under the file limit and over). It shows them transferring at 5x my maximum upload speed.
But in reality, they are not transferring.
With the information I now have about file sizes, wouldn't it make sense for the uploader not to let you add files bigger than the maximum instead of showing them transferring correctly?
Guess that's why it's the simple uploader...