Snow mount? Any ideas?
I am planning a big trip up to Alberta Canada to do some skiing/boarding. I always put together a little video slide show of my family ski trips. This year I want to take it up a notch. What I am hoping to do, is perhaps mount, or suction cup some sort of camera mount to my small point a shoot camera, (It does descent video, and I don't worry about ruining it in the snow.) and have it mounted to my snowboard. I thought it might be pretty neat to have it going down the mountain while I ride, and maybe even have it looking up at me while I ride. Any ideas on how to pull it off?
I would also want to be able to mount the camera to my helmet. I'm not too keen on doing anything that might hurt the helmet, but am willing to if there is no other option.
Any great ideas out there?
Also, did I see somewhere out there where there is like a plastic bag type device that you can put the small camera in, yet still be able to take pictures?
I would also want to be able to mount the camera to my helmet. I'm not too keen on doing anything that might hurt the helmet, but am willing to if there is no other option.
Any great ideas out there?
Also, did I see somewhere out there where there is like a plastic bag type device that you can put the small camera in, yet still be able to take pictures?
Otherwise you can spend like $50 and get a more professional suction cup mount.
Or an even more professional mount for $90
Any thoughts on the helmet?
Well, I found this one -
But it doesn't look too secure. But if you don't care about the possibility of it falling off it sounds like a cheap DIY project. I will continue to search for a better helmet option.
They do have helmet cameras ($150+), but from what I'm getting you want to be able to mount YOUR pns camera to it.
I'll keep looking.
I'm thinking about getting one of the suction cup products I linked to before, but I don't think I would use it very often.
might be a solution for both the board and your helmet... and its only $30!
I haven't really found anything on my searches. It is defenitely to mount the point and shoot. It is something I would keep in my pack and whip it out from time to time. I wouldn't want it strapped onto my helmet all the time.
Of course, protecting the lens from the snow is a totally different issue...
Not to mention most knee braces are neoprene any more and restrict least the dozen or so I have had to wear for over 30yrs do..............
The only downside to using a knee brace is it would make it harder to ride. Being a snowboarder myself I would use the brace as a last resort. It would feel uncomfortable, and like the OP said - he would like to be able to take it off and store it in a bag when not using it. A knee brace would be inconvenient.
Also being on the board it would be safer than on the leg. If anything your leg would hit the ground before the top of the board. Since the board is attached to your feet and doesn't come off (snowboards don't have fail-safe mechanisms like skis) its almost impossible for the top of the board to touch the ground.
Sorry I thought you meant to wear properly but over clothing.....
It's a piece of think fabric, like the one the make the wetsuits from. Trust me - it won't affect the movement and it's extremely easy to fold/pack.
Maybe the brace is not a correct term, support is better|Futuro_PrecisionFit_Adjustable_Knee_Support&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=B0016J6V66&ref=tgt_adv_XSG10001
I know what you're talking about. I wasn't thinking about a metal brace. I've worn those neoprene supports, and I always feel uncomfortable when wearing them. I couldn't imagine a camera shoved behind it. it would feel really awkward.
As far as the helmet, I was thinking of dome sort of a "T" shaped metal thing that I could put thru one of the air vents, and some how tighten down to the top of the helmet. I included a picture here that is very similar to my helmet. That way i don;t have to drill any holes, and I should be able to mount it pretty fast in the field.
Any ideas on how to pull that one off. Definitely a DIY type rig.
I use the GoPro on the handlebars of my ATV. You might consider purchasing this camera and the mouting system that comes with it. It shoots video (new model is HiDef) and can shoot pics every 2 or 5 seconds. I've really enjoyed mine.
Wayne G
I was gonna recommend that camera, but I didn't know if the op wanted to spend that much... also he wants to use his pns... But, they gopro cams look like a pretty good deal.
My main thought was just to check out the GoPro hardware to see if maybe some ideas can come from them. It might also be possible to modify the hardware a bit for use with the OP's pns.
On the other hand, once you go to the site, it's hard not to want one. I have the wide angle and am drooling over the high def. I will say the battery usage on the original stinks. They burn through AAAs at an alarming rate and I'm probably under exagerating that point. Last trip I tried their recommended rechargeables and had only limited improvement. The new HD has a rechargeable battery that is supposed to last a long time. Also has a faster lens and uses larger capacity SD cards. Those are the main reasons I'm drooling....Helloo...Santa???
Wayne G
I know you want to use your existing camera, but I thought I'd mention Pentax's Optio W-series of cameras because a while back I found some amazing footage taken with a kitesurfing rig that uses Pentaxes:
As far as mounting to a board... I suppose this *might* work on the nose of your board, or the side of your helmet:
Looks pretty unwieldy though. But if you have a local REI it's worth playing with it.
OH -- I quite like this exceedingly simple solution for DSLRs w/ video:
(Although I would not want to fall onto a camera, even in the snow.)
But DIY:
Also - you might want to put a tether on that rig if/when it falls off of your board/helmet. Suspenders and a belt... :-}
Oh, re: the Monsterpod -- it's not designed for sustained stickage. It's not a suction cup, but actually made of that gooey stuff used for those toys that you throw at walls and then they flop down slowly. You know, like this:
Oh man, and I missed this one on Photojojo. Looks totally DIYable if your helmet has the necessary holes:
Well I made the mistake of going to the website you recommended. I bought the whole get-up. Couldn't believe the price for what you get! My wife is a little mad at me but atleast I'll have some killer videos.
Nice...I feel your pain. Hard to resist those little cuties!
Did you go HiDef? Looking forward to a review.
Wayne G
The HD is what turned me on so much! Of course I got it!
Good luck with it...
Assume you're doing Louise? maybe Sunshine?