Related keywords gone?
Just a few days ago, when I would click on a keyword in my keywords cloud, I would get the keyword gallery for that, and it would have additional filter options below that, for example, if I had some photos tagged with 'united states' and 'washington', and also some tagged with 'united states' and 'ohio', I saw something like:
keyword: united states
filter: +washington +ohio
and clicking on these would bring me photos tagged with both united states, and washington
Now I do not see this at all. Am I missing it somehow?
keyword: united states
filter: +washington +ohio
and clicking on these would bring me photos tagged with both united states, and washington
Now I do not see this at all. Am I missing it somehow?
Bennett Family Gallery
Reposting, sorry, but nobody is responding to my previous post.
Related keywords are missing. I used to have galleries where the keywords would show related keywords allowing the user to filter pictures further. With the keyword inconsistency problem I reported, and because of this feature, I changed all of my photos from having the spaces in keywords 'Raymond Bennett' to to separate keywords, 'Raymond', 'Bennett'.
Now, related keywords are gone. I have tried marking some galleries as public because I thought that maybe the issue is due to them being unlisted, but this did not resolve the issue.
I paid for the service right before this because I was happy that I finally got it figured out how I wanted my pictures tagged, and I started uploading them. Now this is seriously making me rethink my decision and wanting to just cancel my account.
On a side note, keywords should NEVER be in flux like this. This is absolutely ridiculous from a user point of view, and having to retag photos and reupload them hurts both the user and your bandwidth. I am not a programmer, but would it really be that hard to come up with a version number for your keywords, and a published set of rules so that users can understand them. When a user uploads a photo, it is marked with the current version of the rules in effect, and will always use that version of the code for handling. You can then allow a user to switch keywords to a newer version, knowing the impact that it would have.
For my particular issue, keywords stuck in an endless loop of re-indexing themselves, I've found it easiest just to delete photos by the gallery, and re-upload them. I've had to delete about 8,000 photos to get rid of the idiotic self generating and self indexing keywords, and am slowly uploading them again. What a waste of time and bandwidth and goodwill, and everything else.
And if one of my new uploads self-generates a keyword, I'm in your camp: I will cancel my account ASAP.
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Sorry, have we ever given an indication that we ignore stuff like this? Last I saw, Devbobo, the sorcerer involved with our keywords, offered to fix up your stuff. Did you want him to do that?
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You may not be ignoring it, but I did post about this issue 2 days ago, and nobody has responded. A 'that is odd, it should be working, we are looking into it' or 'you just need to enable the option here.' would be nice. Right now I am thinking it is my fault and just an option I am missing somewhere.
jfriend and Andy - Yes, I did toggle keyword generation "disabled" the moment I read about the ability in a post by ham1 on (Why he posted about new features on that unrelated forum instead of here still boggles the mind, but I digress).
Andy the second - Do you really read these posts? Your 2 replies to me here sound like you think I am 2 different people?
I do not want to rehash it all - you can read about my particular ailments here: and
In summary though, yes Devbobo did offer to "fix" my stuff. I only wanted to know how, not have it done for me, so I declined. I tried to give smugmug some diagnostic info about when the regeneration of keywords was occurring, but Devbobo's response was to correct my conflation of keyword auto-generation and keyword auto-indexing. So yeah, my bad. It is auto-INDEXED keywords, and not auto-GENERATED keywords that are polluting my keyword list. Devbobo offered no further help, so I guess I'm supposed to be satisfied knowing the difference between generation and indexing. That knowledge did not clean up my keyword list, however. I've chosen the solution of deleting and re-uploading my photos, which is not at all practical. Maybe Smugmug can offer a better solution to folks with similar problems? Or maybe it can't? At least it should at least say something, instead of leaving people hanging. Which is what Smugmug seems to do best.
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I'm sorry you feel we're leaving you hanging. Best bet is to write me, at the help desk, ATTN: Andy where I can give you direct, personal attention, okay? Thanks - looking forward to fixing you up and making you happy! I really want to get to the bottom of this and get you satisfied.
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The issue, Andy, is that smugmug's information has been dispersed so widely and so thinly that it is utterly useless.
I happened upon ham1's post on FM, and thought "neat, finally!" and went to smugmug's dgrin, release notes, status blog, and help pages for details, and could find not a word about it. It absolutely boggled my mind that ham1 representing smugmug had the smug arrogance to post what amounted to an advertisement on an unrelated site, when the new "feature" was apparently not actually finished enough to make smugmug's announcement board. (I reckon the admins at FM were not too tickled either, seeing as how they banished him a few hours later)
Nearly a week later, there is still no general announcement of keyword changes and they still don't work with any consistency. Typical.
I don't want you to clean up MY site. I want you to get the ducks in order and not release, or even pre-release on other sites, news of new features that are obviously unfinished. I want you to finish and test your new "features" on your dime, not mine. That way, when I have a question, it will be "how does this work?" instead of "why doesn't this work?". Much easier for dealing with the masses.
Read our years of release notes. We publish almost every single enhancement and bugfix.
Devbobo has been working on your requests this week, (including a simple tool that will remove numeric keywords from the past, so you can easily do it yourself - one of your reqeusts!) and we'll have yet more keywording enhancements out in our next release (I hope, tomorrow, Thursday!). That's typical for us.
We'll be announcing all the keyword stuff at once, in release notes - I'm sorry this angers you so much but I can promise you that there will be a release note and new help pages on ALL the new keyword functions, including the stuff we're building this week as a result of your passionate posts. Thanks!
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Thank you, Andy. Where is it that I can send you my first born child? Or come scrub your feet?
Smugmug's keywords release was far from being finished. It has taken 5 days and hundreds of posts from various subscribers for smugmug to even acknowledge that. Don't hurt your arms patting yourselves on the back. You don't deserve accolades, at all. Your subscribers deserve an apology.
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I have my galleries unlisted, and that seems to have broken it - hoping that it will be resolved in the upcoming announcement.
I'm still loving smugmug
Edit: It's fixed. bloody hell that was quick.