Exporting Photos from Smug WITH Watermark

I don't watermark my photos in any program because I have my SmugMug account do it for me. I have a client I need to send a batch of hi-res photos to, but I want to make sure she gets them with my watermark in the corner. Is there any way for me to export a gallery of photos from SmugMug WITH the SM watermark in place? I hate to set up an action and have to import them all into PS just to watermark a couple of them like this, when the watermark is already in place on SM. Of course, if I do an "owner save" from SM it downloads without the watermark.

This is why for any images you don't want stolen, you need a good watermark. But kids will still screenshot or get them out of cache for use on spacebook or myface, which is why you want your url and/or contact info in the watermark.
And there's no way to get all the watermarked images as a batch.
An "accurate" reproduction of a scene and a good photograph are often two different things.
I use Faststone resizer to WM:
amazingly simple
Troy, MI
D700/200, SB800(4), 70-200, 300 2.8 and a few more
Free and amazingly simple to use.
You can batch watermark with a graphic and/or text overlay.
Oh and it re-sizes too.
And adds borders (several).
Just an amazing little program.
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you can do is send them the largest display size like X3Large. Go to
"share" button > "get a link" and copy that size. Send them the link or you can
open in the link in your browser and save the photo. There is an app that will
d/l these, see AlbumFetcher" here.
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