DSS 39 - Fitting In

Had an idea for the challenge yesterday while watching football so I ran to the store today after work to get the needed paper products. I'm not sure I'm sold on it, but these are jpgs straight from the camera and I'd love to hear some feedback since I actually gave myself time to tinker with the idea.



IF (notice it's a big if) any of these are close, I can go to the raw and fine tune it, but I'm more concerned with the theme at the moment rather than the execution. The working title at the moment is "Fitting In" but I just didn't cut enough paper guys out to go with the idea that would have fit more with that title, so I'm open to suggestions on that as well!
Thanks! :thumb



IF (notice it's a big if) any of these are close, I can go to the raw and fine tune it, but I'm more concerned with the theme at the moment rather than the execution. The working title at the moment is "Fitting In" but I just didn't cut enough paper guys out to go with the idea that would have fit more with that title, so I'm open to suggestions on that as well!
Thanks! :thumb
…but why is he facing the wrong way?
…or is that all part of the pun?
- Wil
PS: Actually the setting reminds me of Monty Python Precision Drilling
Interesting that you see it as he's facing the opposite way, Will. Wasn't my intention, the feet on the the paper guys were really the only way to get them to stand up and they're facing back so they would be out of a previous shot that didn't work as well. I'll take a look at that when I go to process the RAW. Maybe since it was an unintended outcome they should just be cloned out, we'll see. Thanks for the feedback!
PS - Unfortunately, YouTube is cut off from our network here at work, but I'll watch the clip when I get home!
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Thank you! I had another idea hit me as I was trying to fall asleep last night that takes this idea and runs with it, but may not be feasible, so I think I'll stick with #1 for now and if I can make the other happen, great, if not this one works for me as well!
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Thanks, Pyro! I definitely underexposed that one and it's on my plan to reshoot. I think I'll add some more paper guys to the right side of Duke so he's really in the middle of them when I try again... oh and I'll expose it right too!
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Thanks, Dan! It's been a while since I gave myself time to play around... hopefully it'll yield a better image than my last few feeble attempts... hopefully!
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I like the light fall-off, but am not sure obout the DOF.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
Los Angeles dance photographer
Website: http://www.allenparseghian.com
- Wil
If you are going to re-shoot, I'd like to see them facing the same direction, too.
Also you may try placing the guy more in the middle, rather than in a side... just my opinion
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