MC 6 strong enough?
I don't know if any of these are strong enough for this contest. Please let me know what you think
1. Soulful

2. Frigid

3. Another one for "Frigid" or "Cold"

1. Soulful

2. Frigid

3. Another one for "Frigid" or "Cold"

#2 REALLY says frigid to me.
I like the closeup in #3 - the snow on his back, the eye checking you out. It doesn't say frigid to me as strongly as #2 because of the open water, but definitely says cold.
To me, #3 is the strongest. And definitely worthy.
I do love the lighting on #1 and I think that's an excellent shot/entry. I'm not quite reading "soulful" from it though. When I think soulful in a music frame of mind, I see an old blues singer belting out the song right into the mic, eyes closed and lost in the emotion. Maybe a title along the lines of "Heartfelt" would be more appropriate. Similar word and meaning but invokes a different image in my mind, one that's closer to the shot you've captured!
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I think I like #2 better with some more space if possible, on the right and top... ...... Facebook
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"Landscape photography is the supreme test of the photographer - and often the supreme disappointment." Ansel Adams
What about calling it 'solo' or something along those lines? Especially if you add that black space. I think it would really add a lot to the feeling of the image.
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#1 seems to be the stronger image though.