MC 6 strong enough?

sbargesbarge Registered Users Posts: 78 Big grins
edited December 12, 2009 in The Dgrin Challenges
I don't know if any of these are strong enough for this contest. Please let me know what you think

1. Soulful

2. Frigid


3. Another one for "Frigid" or "Cold"




  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    Nice light on the first. Her hand looks translucent.

    #2 REALLY says frigid to me.

    I like the closeup in #3 - the snow on his back, the eye checking you out. It doesn't say frigid to me as strongly as #2 because of the open water, but definitely says cold.

    To me, #3 is the strongest. And definitely worthy.
  • CWSkopecCWSkopec Registered Users Posts: 1,325 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    2 & 3 are nice captures and definitely unique and frigid or cold looking. However, I don't love the lighting in the shots. It's just too flat.

    I do love the lighting on #1 and I think that's an excellent shot/entry. I'm not quite reading "soulful" from it though. When I think soulful in a music frame of mind, I see an old blues singer belting out the song right into the mic, eyes closed and lost in the emotion. Maybe a title along the lines of "Heartfelt" would be more appropriate. Similar word and meaning but invokes a different image in my mind, one that's closer to the shot you've captured!
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  • dlsdls Registered Users Posts: 385 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    visually speaking, i like #1. i like the colors and the mood. and i think that 'soulful' is appropriate. #2 and #3 definitely conveys frigid/cold. of the two, i like the comp in #3 a little more, although it does look a little grainy to me.
  • Registered Users Posts: 1,383 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    #1 is outstanding. One thing i'd try and see how it looks like, is adding some negative space around her (more darkness) (my little t-shirt shop) The Photo Section
  • nightpixelsnightpixels Registered Users Posts: 536 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    #1 has potential. I would try to do something about the noise caused by the high ISO. Too much noise on the guitar and the right arm. Also, I agree with Pyro's comment on the negative space.
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  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    I like both: #1 with comments above and #2.

    I think I like #2 better with some more space if possible, on the right and top...
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  • dlscott56dlscott56 Registered Users Posts: 1,324 Major grins
    edited December 9, 2009
    CWSkopec wrote:
    2 & 3 are nice captures and definitely unique and frigid or cold looking. However, I don't love the lighting in the shots. It's just too flat.

    I do love the lighting on #1 and I think that's an excellent shot/entry. I'm not quite reading "soulful" from it though. When I think soulful in a music frame of mind, I see an old blues singer belting out the song right into the mic, eyes closed and lost in the emotion. Maybe a title along the lines of "Heartfelt" would be more appropriate. Similar word and meaning but invokes a different image in my mind, one that's closer to the shot you've captured!
  • sbargesbarge Registered Users Posts: 78 Big grins
    edited December 10, 2009
    Thanks so much for your feedback - it is very helpful and much appreciated!
  • AndManAndMan Registered Users Posts: 1,252 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2009
    #1 has potential. I would try to do something about the noise caused by the high ISO. Too much noise on the guitar and the right arm. Also, I agree with Pyro's comment on the negative space.


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  • slpollettslpollett Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited December 10, 2009
    You really nailed "Frigid" with #2, but #1 is so much more dramatic. I love the lighting in that one. I'm not sure 'soulful' is the first thing that comes to my mind when I see that picture though.

  • KinkajouKinkajou Registered Users Posts: 1,240 Major grins
    edited December 11, 2009
    #1 has potential. I would try to do something about the noise caused by the high ISO. Too much noise on the guitar and the right arm. Also, I agree with Pyro's comment on the negative space.


    What about calling it 'solo' or something along those lines? Especially if you add that black space. I think it would really add a lot to the feeling of the image.

    Spread the love! Go comment on something!
  • trevortrevor Registered Users Posts: 29 Big grins
    edited December 12, 2009
    I can really feel the frigidness in #2, although that may have something to do with the cold weather here :D

    #1 seems to be the stronger image though.
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