Bulk downloads of PURCHASED images??

[highlight]If you agree that SmugMug should provide one zip file containing all images for each digital download sale, please cast your official vote for this idea here. Thanks![/highlight]
First, let me say that I am a HUGE fan of SmugMug and in general could not be happier with the level of service you provide. In my last year and a half as a serious amateur, you have displayed my images beautifully and have made sharing them with friends and family an absolute joy. Thank you!
Recently, many people have asked me what I'd charge them for photo sessions, so I have decided to start making at least some part-time income from my passionate photography hobby. I have been exploring my Pro account features in more depth now to see what I can offer my clients. Unfortunately, I just discovered a little speed bump in my planned SmugMug workflow...
Rather than having to export hundreds of medium-res images, burn them to DVD, and mail or hand deliver them, I would prefer to use your 1MP and 4MP download options for delivery. Benefits?
- Time savings -- client does the delivery work themselves by selecting images that are already on SmugMug -- I don't have to worry about re-exporting images, burning DVDs, or delivery
- Cost savings -- no media to burn, postage to pay, or gas tanks to fill (in the case of hand delivery) -- and the time that I save (see above) IS money!
- Flexible pricing -- I could charge them a nominal download fee or a larger per-image fee depending on what we've agreed upon beforehand -- SmugMug and I both make money on each image sold
- Selective sales -- my clients could select only the images they want (ideally this would be paired with a digital download proof-delay...but that's another issue for another time)
- Tracking -- I can keep track of who has which images, and in what sizes
- Licensing -- it's an easy way to make sure that they've accepted the terms of a personal-use license before they receive the files
Sounds good, right?
Well, I just placed a test order of about 130 images for download and was dismayed to find that [highlight]a customer would currently have to download each purchased image individually![/highlight] It is clear that your digital download option is meant for very selective purchases of high-value digital images, and not for a higher volume digital workflow that I've described above.
[highlight]Could you instead (or in addition) offer a zip file for customers who purchase downloads?[/highlight] (I'm not referring to bulk free downloading that can be done with [thread=121361]RapidFetcher[/thread].)
Individual download links become unacceptable past a handful of images. Whether I'm charging $50 or just 50 cents per image, I cannot fathom asking my customers to click dozens or hundreds of download links.
And at best (Firefox, Safari) the browser will automatically dump them into the default download folder where the client will have to sort them all out. At worst (IE6), they could be presented with a Save dialog box for every photo, which doubles the amount of clicking they will have to do.
I work with PHP every day to make my living, so I know that it would not be supremely difficult for your amazing website wizards to add this feature. And it wouldn't increase your bandwidth costs, because if anything, a zip file is smaller than the sum of its parts. Please???
-- Austin
Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!
Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!
Thanks for taking the time to write this up. I'm with you on the request for a bulk downloading option for visitors and customers buying digital downloads.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks, Sebastian! It's nice to know I'm not the only one.
Can we get a Support Hero to chime in on this...?
Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!
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So now we've had two Heroes on this thread, but still no official word...is this a planned feature?
If it's planned (or has been started), would you mind making a note of that on your Feedback Forum?
Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!
We don't comment on future stuff, generally. But this one will be done at some point, I hope! Hang in there.
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And I'm sorry if I'm being pushy, but this morning I woke up to negative comments about this issue from a customer who ordered 100+ digital downloads last night (order #1331495). Looks like I'll have to keep using discs until this zip file feature is added. :cry
Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!
All in all, we generally comment on things in development, except for the status on uservoice.
SmugMug Support Hero
Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!
Is there currently a way to do this? Is it planned?
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Thanks for implementing bulk digital downloads, SmugMug!