Xavier's Homecoming

As some here may already know, I'm an Operation: Love Reunited photographer and, as such, I volunteer my time and energies on a more or less regular basis to photograph the emotions that always come out at the homecoming of a returning airman, soldier, or sailor and gift the returning military member with a DVD slideshow of the photos.
I was privileged to be asked to be a part of the celebration of Xavier’s homecoming on 25 Nov 2009 after a long 7 month deployement. I got an e-mail from my client. She let me know they have been quite busy since Xavier's return - they got married about a week after he got back! How cool is that?:clap
Oh, and before anyone complains about copyright infringement (the song is copyrighted), the client has a legal copy of the song in her possession and the video is for private, home use only :deal
<object width="640" height="356" ><param name="movie" value="http://www.lnl-photo.com/ria/ShizVidz-2009090604.swf" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=ZT0xJmk9NzM2MjA4ODcyJms9OEhvNFAmYT0xMDQ5MTc1NV9oYW1UTiZ1PUxvdmVOTGF1Z2h0ZXI=" /><embed src="http://www.lnl-photo.com/ria/ShizVidz-2009090604.swf" flashVars="s=ZT0xJmk9NzM2MjA4ODcyJms9OEhvNFAmYT0xMDQ5MTc1NV9oYW1UTiZ1PUxvdmVOTGF1Z2h0ZXI=" width="640" height="356" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>
DoD required disclaimer: The photographs and other content of this publication do not constitute or
imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.
I was privileged to be asked to be a part of the celebration of Xavier’s homecoming on 25 Nov 2009 after a long 7 month deployement. I got an e-mail from my client. She let me know they have been quite busy since Xavier's return - they got married about a week after he got back! How cool is that?:clap
Oh, and before anyone complains about copyright infringement (the song is copyrighted), the client has a legal copy of the song in her possession and the video is for private, home use only :deal
<object width="640" height="356" ><param name="movie" value="http://www.lnl-photo.com/ria/ShizVidz-2009090604.swf" /><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" /><param name="flashVars" value="s=ZT0xJmk9NzM2MjA4ODcyJms9OEhvNFAmYT0xMDQ5MTc1NV9oYW1UTiZ1PUxvdmVOTGF1Z2h0ZXI=" /><embed src="http://www.lnl-photo.com/ria/ShizVidz-2009090604.swf" flashVars="s=ZT0xJmk9NzM2MjA4ODcyJms9OEhvNFAmYT0xMDQ5MTc1NV9oYW1UTiZ1PUxvdmVOTGF1Z2h0ZXI=" width="640" height="356" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowFullScreen="true"></embed></object>
DoD required disclaimer: The photographs and other content of this publication do not constitute or
imply any endorsement or recommendation by the Department of Defense.
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Thoughts on photographing a wedding, How to post a picture, AF Microadjustments?, Light Scoop
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Wayne G
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