The Landing______________IR

Howdy All,
One from Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

Thanks for looking, Shot with D70S,
One from Annapolis Royal, Nova Scotia

Thanks for looking, Shot with D70S,
Take care,
Burleson, Texas
Burleson, Texas
The cloud in the upper right seems to be pointing to the left -- I keep on looking to what it's pointing at. Think it's time for me to go to bed
Morning Mary,
Thanks very much, interesting clouds were moving through all day.
Burleson, Texas
Really nice shot and conversion. The overlapping clouds almost make a tunnel that makes you want to see what's just over the horizon.
Howdy Randy,
Thanks very much, actually the Clouds are sort of guiding your eye to Port Royal side of the River where my "Wonderful Wife" Karens' Great_GGGGGGGGG Grand Mother was from, 10 Generations back, she married a Man from this side of the River<G>
Burleson, Texas
Looking at some more of your shots now. . .
Craigs work is an inspiration for IR photography
Nikon D700, D300, D80 and assorted glass, old and new.
I'm afraid to keep telling you how much I'm enjoying the fruits of your labor....scared you might send me a bill. This stuff is really superior.
Take care,
Howdy ID,
Thanks very much, that is indeed a very nice compliment. I have to say getting my D70S modded almost 4 years ago has been one of the best investments I've made in Photography.
Looking forward to seeing your images.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Mary,
Thanks very much, I really do love to shoot, and when you take as many shots as I do, "the Blind Hog Theory" comes into play:D
And Yes you need to get a camera to convert!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Alex,
Nice to see you over here<G>
Thanks I appreciate it.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy You Rascal,
Thanks very much, that is very kind of you!! I am really glad that you
enjoy these, I really loved taking them<G>.
Burleson, Texas
Very nice composition here (as well as the processing). Love the strong foreground that grabs my eye and leads it into and through the image to the distant horizon.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks Very Much JChurill!!!
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Jack,
Back Home again from your Travels? Really enjoyed your Vancouver Series.
Thanks very much for the kind reply.
Burleson, Texas
Howdy Gary,
Thanks you, I haven't printed any in years and years, might be something to check out, We keep talking about it but I get easily distracted<G>.
Burleson, Texas