Watermarking Time?
We know that at times the Smugmug site can get bogged down and get a little slow. It seems it is a small price to pay for what we get in terms of features and performance. But the last 4-5 days watermarking seems to be taking a whole new turn to slowness. Sometimes just a couple of minutes and sometimes close to 35 minutes.
I just uploaded 6 pictures and they uploaded with great speed. That was at about 1:15 EST. It is not 1:50 EST and not a single picture has a watermark. It has been like this for a few days now and we are wondering if any others are experiencing problems.
I just uploaded 6 pictures and they uploaded with great speed. That was at about 1:15 EST. It is not 1:50 EST and not a single picture has a watermark. It has been like this for a few days now and we are wondering if any others are experiencing problems.
I have also been having problems (hence finding your post!!) Todays seem to be taking forever. I can't say how long since I am still waiting (It's been 45 min. now.)
In the meantime, until the watermark appears, I can't announce the photos - I guess I will make the gallery private until they shows up
Just changing the gallery setting, won't take effect for existing photos, unless you change the setting for just one gallery and check the 'apply to existing photos' checkbox. Even then, the above method would be faster.
If you still feel that watermarking is going slow, post a link to a photo in question and let us know when you used the watermarking tool from the Tools button on it exactly.
SmugMug Support Hero
I figured out the problem with this specific gallery - I am posting photos that someone else gave me and it turns out that they are all <800 pixels <img src="https://us.v-cdn.net/6029383/emoji/eek7.gif" border="0" alt="" >. I will upsize the images and then try it again.
We do not set it up ahead of time in our galleries because only certain sections get watermarked. We use the tools - many photos and do them all at once.
Yesterday it took 47 minutes to watermark 5 photos. Then early this morning. it took less than 2 minutes to watermark 9. Then just now it took 29 minutes to watermark 4.
It is such a hit and miss thing that sometimes it litterally takes forever.
As a recommendation, you could set your galleries to use watermarking before you upload and then remove the watermarks on the photos you don't want a watermark. That would ensure that all photos are watermarked right away without any delay.
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Yes, we don't watermark photos of 800 pixel or less on the widest side. It's a limitation that is mentioned here as a gotcha.
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