Lightroom pulls the lens info from the EXIF for my Canon 30D. On a lot of sites I post pictures to people always ask me what lens I used. Is there any way to get this info to show up in the SmugMug image info screen?
My Photos Sites:
SmugMugMy Gear0
Can you give us a link to a photo to look at?
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug does not support the display of lens data from the EXIF. I've asked about this before and they say they'd have to make some major database change to support this, which, at the time at least, was not high on their priority list.
If you, like many others, including myself, would like to see this feature added, add your vote on There's already a request started for this feature here
Canon stores the lens info in the MakerNote section of the EXIF. It is entry 0095.
My Gear
Hmm well Not sure where it is now, as that image has all the exif info stripped out of it after an upload.
Try this one instead:
My Gear
I voted for this feature. It would be great to see this info when looking at images.
My Gear
We usually don't comment on features that might come in the future or might be under development. Sorry. Once make any changes, fixes and new features, they'll be announced on our release notes blog.
SmugMug Support Hero