Virginia barn

Last day in Virginia on vacation, and it was overcast and dark all day.
Not much in the way of color in the scene itself, so I processed this in sepia.
Not much in the way of color in the scene itself, so I processed this in sepia.

Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
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Yes, I think you may be right. I was focused on the horses the first time I looked and didn't even notice. Thanks for pointing this out.
One nice thing about sepia is that I didn't have to clone out that bright blue object to the right of the barn.
Sepia did save you from having to crop out that blue object
Thanks for posting it in color
I live in Orlando, Florida. The barn is near Woolwine, Virginia...about 700 miles from here just off the Blue Ridge Parkway. We spent Thanksgiving week in a cabin in Woolwine.
I don't remember a house in the background, but I really wasn't paying attention to that.
Guess driving down the road to take a look isn't an option
I know about the not paying a attention part. I do that a lot and then when I get home and look at my photos I see something I might of wanted to take a closer look at.
It will remain a mystery
The other strange thing for me in the original sepia version is how the back door make it look like an unsupported pillar is dividing the big open door due to the monotone of the elements.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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I don't get quite the same illusion with orignal shot, only the sepia one.
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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