uploading alphanumerically = BAD! Please fix
I searched around and got a few answers, but none of them solved the issue or answered my question in it entirety.
When I export client photos I export as: Client-1, Client-2, etc... to keep things simple and in order.
Issue I am having: When I select a folder to upload it orders the photos as: Client-1, Client-10, Client-100, Client-101.....Client-109, Client-11, etc...
Why doesn't it just put them in the same order as they are in the folder? Or order them in the common numerical order? Its currently ordering them alphanumerically. I have used tons of different photo sharing sites and printing sites and this is the first time I have ever seen it defaulted this way??????
So the only way I have found to order them correctly is to drag and drop them in order, then I have to sort by date uploaded or they revert back to the order I described above.
Here is a screen shot of what I am talking about....
Now I wouldn't have a problem doing the D&D method if it was just a few photos, but hundreds takes a bit, then monkeying around with date uploaded, etc.... The more labor I spend messing around with something as silly as reordering a gallery the less money I make.... which equals me being extremely unhappy..... :pissed
So my question is ultimately, when can a numerical upload and ordering script be implemented instead of the default alphanumerical script? I have found people complaining about this in numerous threads some dated from 2007....
And before anyone goes on about how its easy just reordering them is using the 10 different ways to do it.... I should not have to in the first place..... Reordering using different methods should be an option, not a requirement...
When I export client photos I export as: Client-1, Client-2, etc... to keep things simple and in order.
Issue I am having: When I select a folder to upload it orders the photos as: Client-1, Client-10, Client-100, Client-101.....Client-109, Client-11, etc...
Why doesn't it just put them in the same order as they are in the folder? Or order them in the common numerical order? Its currently ordering them alphanumerically. I have used tons of different photo sharing sites and printing sites and this is the first time I have ever seen it defaulted this way??????
So the only way I have found to order them correctly is to drag and drop them in order, then I have to sort by date uploaded or they revert back to the order I described above.
Here is a screen shot of what I am talking about....
Now I wouldn't have a problem doing the D&D method if it was just a few photos, but hundreds takes a bit, then monkeying around with date uploaded, etc.... The more labor I spend messing around with something as silly as reordering a gallery the less money I make.... which equals me being extremely unhappy..... :pissed
So my question is ultimately, when can a numerical upload and ordering script be implemented instead of the default alphanumerical script? I have found people complaining about this in numerous threads some dated from 2007....
And before anyone goes on about how its easy just reordering them is using the 10 different ways to do it.... I should not have to in the first place..... Reordering using different methods should be an option, not a requirement...
24236a0001.jpg, 24236a0002.jpg, 24236a0002.jpg, 24236a0002x.jpg
Sometimes I will add an x at the end if it was a replacement.
Hope this helps you and others.
use leading zeroes when naming, that should fix the alpha sort
Client-001, Client-002, Client-010, Client-100 ... will sort correct