To color correct, or not to color correct?

Hi all,
My monitor is color calibrated and has been for a while... however, I'm insecure about using the true color function in galleries, as I'm not sure that what I like with my eyes are what is best for prints (color-wise).
Here is a sample image. Would you choose to have it color corrected (through EZ prints) when ordering, or would staying with the true color option be just as good?
Any feedback is appreciated. I need to know this fairly quickly, as it will help with some decisions I need to make.

PS - sorry for the watermark...
My monitor is color calibrated and has been for a while... however, I'm insecure about using the true color function in galleries, as I'm not sure that what I like with my eyes are what is best for prints (color-wise).
Here is a sample image. Would you choose to have it color corrected (through EZ prints) when ordering, or would staying with the true color option be just as good?
Any feedback is appreciated. I need to know this fairly quickly, as it will help with some decisions I need to make.

PS - sorry for the watermark...
Ultimately you should just do a few tests for peace of mind. Have them output the prints with and without CC, see what you like.
That said, to me these are very close on my calibrated IPS monitor. Maybe increase the blue very very slightly and increase magenta a sliver more. Nice shot BTW.
Trust your tools, after all they cost a lot of money.
Here is what I would recommend. Order one color corrected, and order one without color correction.
Then a week later do the same think to check consistency.
I would also recommend trying Bay Photo. I have personally visited with them and watched them hand color correct each image.
Print at Bay Photo with CC on.
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I'll try a few test prints, but I'm glad to hear it looks pretty accurate on other monitors!
Moderator of the Technique Forum and Finishing School on Dgrin