MC #6 - 2nd guessing

Hey all - sorry I haven't been real active lately. My head is spinning so fast I'm just trying to keep it on. :crazy Please let me know which you think is the stronger image for this challenge.
Seduction #1

Seduction #2

I have entered the first one, but you know how those doubts come along...
Any C&C very, very much appreciated!
Seduction #1

Seduction #2

I have entered the first one, but you know how those doubts come along...
Any C&C very, very much appreciated!
Psalm 62:5-6
#3 The Photo Section
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain
Haha! I was wondering if the face vs. whole body was more of a guy vs. girl appeal type of thing. I have a feeling it's going to be six of one, half a dozen of the other.
That said, #2 SCREAMS "seduction" to me, in fact I'll see pyroprint's :jawdrop and raise
I think Liz may be right that in the context of the challenge #1 is the stronger image, it is easier for the viewer to make a connection with the subject given her proximity to the viewer. In my very humble opinion #1 says "sensual" or "anticipation" to me perhaps more than "seduction".
Both are stunning images in any event.
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All 3 are great, but #2 is absolute seduction!! :oogle
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Dreamin' of a resolution!:D
ok, now that I have recovered from the initial shock of how drawing this image is, let me comment:
Catchlighting from the candles, Check! Seduction? Yes.
Lighting is warm & rich, topped with soft shadows, Check! Seduction? Yes.
Pose matched with Tilt for effect works so well here, Check! Seduction? Yes.
Random mentions: DOF, ummm wow!
Also, you have included just enough surroundings to place her in a setting.
Position of her eyes perfect, lips perfect, hands not distracting...all excellent.
Now Emily I think you have showed great skills in your photography & postprocessing.
Aspecto5, Bro I gotta disagree with your views on her hair in this case. In this case I see an element of reality never seen within a sterile photoshopped sex sells type of shot. This has "Real" personality! IMO.
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
It has that anticipation feel to it. I guess I should look at what the challenge is aiming for
3 seems a bit not seductive but more no offense stripperesque.
1. The tilt of the camera bugs me for some reason it takes a second for me to orient on her.
2. There is no mistaking that this is about her desire to do all sorts of naughty and awesome things to the person that will be walking up that petal path. It is a definite invitation to be seduced.
Just my opinion.
I am in AZ and would love to meet others from Phoenix.
FWIW, I "did" her hair. It was a very intensional mussed look.
And it works
Personally I hope you stick with this one, but there seems to be a good mix of favorites here.
I guess you can say that's a good thing, ya done good!
"Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like it's heaven on Earth." — Mark Twain ...... Facebook
As Aaron said, now that I've recovered, I've got to agree with AndMan. #1 says "sensual", #2 says "SEDUCTION!!", and #3...well...yeah...there's #3.
I would say #2 IMGO (In My Guy Opinion). To me, it says seduction because the candles and flowers lead the viewer to the model's feet and then straight up. That's seduction.
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