Portraits of our children

The little woman gets quite miffed if I call them "pets" :rolleyes
Rosie (the undisputed alpha)

Frankie (petting by appointment and prior approval only

Rocky (perpetual puppy and yappiest of the bunch)

Moe (the muush who thinks he's a dog)

Barney (master of relaxation)
Rosie (the undisputed alpha)

Frankie (petting by appointment and prior approval only

Rocky (perpetual puppy and yappiest of the bunch)

Moe (the muush who thinks he's a dog)

Barney (master of relaxation)

Take care and I wish your entire family the very best of holidays,
Nice framing!
Thanks for sharing…
- Wil
I'll bet that's a lively crew around feeding time!!!
That Barney is quite "The Master Of Relaxation"
Great shots, really like the portraits of your Family.
Burleson, Texas
Have keyboard and opinion.
Senska Photography
Frankie doesn't look like he'd hurt a flea. He looks a bit confused, though.
Sweet looking 'kids' you have there.
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
My SmugMug Site
Looks like a case for "Confuse A Cat"…
- Wil
Your wife is right. These are not pets. They're family! Very sweet. They belong in the People Forum.
Flash Frozen Photography, Inc.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comment Will.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Your wife is right -- you can't call them pets -- they are family.
You don't know the half of it! Three different dog foods plus the cat foods. All have to be fed separately to keep the larger faster eaters from hogging all the food.
He is a great dog well suited to my disposition.
Thanks Craig
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks for looking in. That's my rather grungy garage floor. Barney was sulking cause he wanted to go out but it was pouring rain.:cry
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Thanks Andrew. Frankie is certainly not vicious but rather very timid. He was the runt of a litter that were abandoned after a house fire. We rescued them and the mom but his bigger sister hogged all the mother's milk so we had to bottle feed him. If you try to pet him he usually shies away but then later comes over and asks to be petted.
(My real name is John but Jack'll do)
Ahh, now I get it. I thought you meant he would take your arm off if you pet him w/o an appointment... Quite the contrary, and your description fits the picture much better than my assumption...
Who is wise? He who learns from everyone.
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