Quickie Seal
Shot this guy the other day. Lives at the Marina. Tried like the dickens to get some light on his eye, but he wouldn't cooperate. Just gave me this quick shot, well the machine gun got off about 10 shots before he dived. This was only slightly acceptable, I think :dunno

Off to a blues concert now, hope to have some of those to post later???

Off to a blues concert now, hope to have some of those to post later???

hope ya had a good time at the concert....lovely sea lion! although i will have to dock you on the seal call
http://behret.smugmug.com/ NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Sure build up your points, only to have them removed
Dude there's barely enough room upstairs to remember my own name
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Morning Harry
Yeah pretty underexposed when I started, used DLight on this one
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Looks like tough lighting, not to mention seals are usually a bear to nail in the water anyway. Ya dun good
missed reading words and seeing your work, you missed my transition to the D2Hs.
Everything AOK I hope ??
Glad to hear from you again.
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So how are you liking the D2H? It sure sounds like one nice camera. I guess the only question is, can it do bird butts (my favorite subject) as well as your old camera?
100+ :wow I'd be lucky to find 2 that even wanna talk to me
Yeah been hot ........but wierd full of humidity down here as well
Butt shots sure we can do that throw some up at ya soon may even be some in older posts, go searchin :lol4
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