#39 Second Version--Feedback requested

Thanks for the feedback from the first set of photos I posted. In the spirit of the season, I'm using Christmas gift wrap as my subject. (Hey, it's handy, lol!) Does it look enough like paper? I mean, I know it's wrapping paper and to me it fits the theme, but what I want to know is do you think it's obviously paper?
Here's the shot most people liked from the first set:

2b. A closer version. I had a closer shot in the first batch that wasn't quite as sharp as the one above. Is this one better?

3b. Trying another set of paper with different colors

So, do you still like the first one or is one of the new ones better? I may have a teeny bit of time tomorrow to try again (still want to try a set up with the remnant/scrap pieces).
Any feedback or c&c is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Here's the shot most people liked from the first set:

2b. A closer version. I had a closer shot in the first batch that wasn't quite as sharp as the one above. Is this one better?

3b. Trying another set of paper with different colors

So, do you still like the first one or is one of the new ones better? I may have a teeny bit of time tomorrow to try again (still want to try a set up with the remnant/scrap pieces).
Any feedback or c&c is greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Visit my galleries at: http://psphotos.smugmug.com/ and/or http://pollettsquaredphotography.smugmug.com
Have you played around with the processing to get a little more "oomph" out of it? Layers, blends, glows... just a thought ...
When you come to a door... walk through it.
If it's locked... find an open window.
From all the examples above, I personally like #1.
However... well, we all know that this is paper because we use use it, but the feeling is more like metallic
rather than paper to me - I don't want to discourage you though - it depends on how the judges will see it...
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