No time for shooting those days, so I decided to share a couple of shots I had taken some time ago during a visit to the Santorini island, in the Greece sea.
There are so many pictures of the amazing white buildings and blue sea of this island, so I tried to do something a bit more unusual...
C&C of any sort are welcome as usual.


There are so many pictures of the amazing white buildings and blue sea of this island, so I tried to do something a bit more unusual...
C&C of any sort are welcome as usual.


The second one feels a little pinched to me.....I think you would have a stronger composition if you had include the last riser of the stairs and some space on the right side of the door....... It is a good picture...... azzaro
Tanks a lot Azzaro. I agree about the second one; it was shot few years ago and I'm still learning about composition...
Thanks Mary. It was in fact the best shot I took during this trip...