Catch a Moonbeam
Hi, we have a Moonbeam creeper at home - the flowers come out in the evening and then close up and die as soon as the sun hits them in the morning - but while they are out at night their scent is fantastc.

This is one of the Leucospermum family. A native of South Africa but does very well over here in Perth.

This is one of our native wild flowers - quite prolific out in the bush in sandy areas - you can guess the name - a Fringed Lily.

Thanks for looking - C&C always appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.

This is one of the Leucospermum family. A native of South Africa but does very well over here in Perth.

This is one of our native wild flowers - quite prolific out in the bush in sandy areas - you can guess the name - a Fringed Lily.

Thanks for looking - C&C always appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.
I especially like the smooth shades of gray in the moonbeam petals, and the very crisp details. I would just do a bit less aggressive sharpening, to me it feels overdone.
The third one is very interesting, but seems overexposed and/or too much contrasted. If the highlights were not clipped it would be much more effective, and the texture of those strange petals has a lot of potential...
Nice work.
Hi Carmelo, Thank you for your kind comments and feedback. Re #3 That one was taken in 2006 with my first digital camera - a Canon point and shoot. The lighting was middle of the day - very harsh. I am sure it would be possible to tone down the highlights - I'll give it a go.
Cheers, Richard.
Hi Eia, thank you for your kind comments. It was early morning direct sunlight - so natural lighting. The background was the green foliage and green painted pergola post. I used Lightroom to de-saturate all the green from the background to emphasise the moonbeam flower.
Cheers, Richard.
Cheers, Richard.
Desktop background is good, but that should be printed out and hanging on a wall
Hi Azzaro, thanks for looking and your nice comment - much appreciated.
Cheers, Richard.