Locking account for too many password attempts
In reviewing my statcounter report, someone spent almost an hour trying to hack into my smugmug account yesterday. There were 28 tries on my main password and 15 attempts on individual galleries. Does smugmug have the ability to lock someone out if there are too many attempts?
We don't have the ability to lock out a certain individual from trying to login. This is one reason we highly suggest strong passwords. We have and continue to consider methods to thwart too many attempts.
I'm sorry I don't have a better answer for you right now.
BizDev Account Manager
Image Specialist & Pro Concierge
Personally, I'm not sure such a thing would be very useful. After all, if they would be really after getting into your gallery and would know what they are doing, I'm sure they would know of ways to bypass such a "too many attempts" feature. They could simply dial out and back in to get a new IP or clear their browser cookies or use an anonymizer service to not reveal their own IP etc depending on what techniques the feature would use. There's no real good way to do this that I can think of if the protection is not bound to one account you try to login to, but a page that everyone can try to access.
If you have a good password, you shouldn't have to worry about this.
SmugMug Support Hero