Embedding the slideshow on Myspace profile
Not sure if this is the right place for it, and my apologies if it's already been figured out, but here goes.
I had a rotten time getting my slideshow pasted into myspace. I wanted to showcase some stuff I had available for prints and some MMA stuff. I spent a painfully long time trying different methods, and kept coming up short. Finally, I found something that worked, and figured I would share since I haven't yet read of a straightforward way to get it to work.
This little snippet of code seems to be the only way I could get it to work. Hopefully it helps some of the people struggling to find a way to showcase their slideshows on myspace.
I had a rotten time getting my slideshow pasted into myspace. I wanted to showcase some stuff I had available for prints and some MMA stuff. I spent a painfully long time trying different methods, and kept coming up short. Finally, I found something that worked, and figured I would share since I haven't yet read of a straightforward way to get it to work.
The MySpace code editor changed it to an object when I saved it, and sometimes lets me do minor edits here and there (like changing the feed), but can be very testy and decide out of the blue to stop working if you mess with it.<embed allowScriptAccess="never" src="http://www.smugmug.com/ria/ShizamSlides-2007090601.swf" flashvars="feedURL=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.chrisrabior.com%2Fhack%2Ffeed.mg%3FType%3Dgallery%26Data%3D9182743_yxfxU%26format%3Drss200&autoStart=true&captions=false&clickToImage=true&randomize=true&randomStart=true&showButtons=false&showLogo=false&showSpeed=false&showStartButton=false&showThumbs=false&transparent=true&borderCornerStyle=rounded&forceSize=SmallURL" wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowNetworking="all" height="600" width="600"></embed>
This little snippet of code seems to be the only way I could get it to work. Hopefully it helps some of the people struggling to find a way to showcase their slideshows on myspace.
My code pasted directly into the About Me section:
And after saving, closing out, coming back and trying to edit the same section, this code is present:
Both snippets of code saved directly into a different section gave me the same result, but for some reason trying to directly code the object for a different slideshow was a mega p.i.t.a.
Again, hope it helps!