"Set Pricing" Woes

In the pricing tool where you select "To These Products", there is no option to select ThinWraps or Metal in addition to the other paper/finishes. Hopefully this will be added soon?
Also, I am trying to do a percentage increase on all items that are currently "not available" to customers. However, unless I am missing something, there is no option to do that. So, am I missing something?
Also, I am trying to do a percentage increase on all items that are currently "not available" to customers. However, unless I am missing something, there is no option to do that. So, am I missing something?
The thin wraps and metal prints are Bay Photo products so if you are not seeing them then I am guessing you are pricing a gallery set to print at EZPrints. If you send the help desk a link we can double check if you need.
For a % increase to work you first need a value in the price field - putting the SmugMug default price in is the typical start point.
Let us know if you have any further questions. We are always happy to help.
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This is my portfolio pricing which is already set up for Bay Photo. It's not that I'm "not seeing them", but rather there is no option in the drop down to select a pricing adjustment for those items like there is for Canvas, Finish Type, Category, etc. My assumption is that you guys zeroed them out when you added them some time back. This is just more or less a feature request on my part and I will add to the user's voice thread.
On the other(more pressing) topic, the fields I want to change are already filled with 0.00, not empty. I would like to be able to select a percentage increase on just those items but there is no option for that other than going one by one. My point being.....if there is an option to adjust prices for all items that are empty or smugmug default, why isn't there an option to to apply to items that are not for sale to customers (0.00)?
Linky..... http://www.s3nets.com/sales/setprices.mg?ImageID=709647201&ImageKey=scmU6&Type=Portfolio
With respect to the % increase on items with a $0 - well that is a math thing! You need to put a different value into the price fields first.
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Yeah, I like to do the following:
1) "Apply this Pricing : SmugMug Default" "To These Products: All Products" "Apply"
2) "Apply this Pricing: Percent Increase: XX" "To These Products: <choose one group>" "Apply" .
3) Repeat step 2 with other groups and different percentages.
4) Click "Save Pricing".
Currently, ThinWraps and MetalPrints are included in the general "Prints" category and there isn't a way to price them as a group. Sorry about that!
SmugMug Support Hero
I know it's a math thing but my thought is to increase the default price by a percentage, not the $0 of course.
Maybe I wasn't being clear before but my only desire was to apply different pricing to all fields that contain $0.00. When I selected Smugmug Default to "That Match:" 0.00, there were no matches showing up below the apply button. However, I just did it again and clicked Apply just to see what would happen. It then showed there were 206 matches. I clicked Apply again and got the result I wanted. NOW, I can apply whatever percentage increase to those items with no problem. Thanks Anne and Ann for you responses.
Is there any plans to change this? It could be as easy as making the thin wraps, metal prints, etc. etc. a paper finish.. Then we could adjust the prices on those types of prints seperately.
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Canon Rebel T1i | Canon 50mm 1.8 | Tamron 28-75mm 2.8 | Canon 75-300mm EF f 4.5 III | Opteka Grip | Canon 580exII | 2 Vivitar 383 Flash's and a home studio setup.
That does sound easy!
Unfortunately, it's not quite so easy as it turns out. This will be on our radar if/when we make changes to the page but it doesn't look it it will happen soon, sorry!
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