Setting up a website

I take photographs, but just for my own pleasure...I'm a typical hobby photographer. My son-in-law and daughter, though, would like to sell their photography. They live in a Florida beach town, and they have been taking photographs of surfers and fishermen for quite some time. They are repeatedly asked by their subjects if their photographs can be ordered. It's a vanity thing where the subject wants to buy photos of himself in action.
They've been handling this in person by meeting the person and taking orders personally. What they'd like to do is set up a website where photos can be ordered and paid for at the site. They'd just hand out a card with the link.
What's the best way to go about setting this up? I know they can get a SmugMug pro site, but I'm interested in what other ways there are to do this. Hosts, etc.
I'm asking here because my s-i-l and daughter are not computer people. They post-process on their computer, but do not even have internet access at home. They don't have a reason to at the moment.
Suggestions and links would be appreciated.
They've been handling this in person by meeting the person and taking orders personally. What they'd like to do is set up a website where photos can be ordered and paid for at the site. They'd just hand out a card with the link.
What's the best way to go about setting this up? I know they can get a SmugMug pro site, but I'm interested in what other ways there are to do this. Hosts, etc.
I'm asking here because my s-i-l and daughter are not computer people. They post-process on their computer, but do not even have internet access at home. They don't have a reason to at the moment.
Suggestions and links would be appreciated.
Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
All the reasons you give are EXACTLY they would want to have a SmugMug Pro account. They can go tothe local library or coffee shop, get online, set up their account and upload pictures, then once a week or so, upload some more. Refer people to the site for sales, and have SM direct deposit their profits into their bank account. Setting up their own site with hosting, e-commerce, etc., means way much more maintenance and bother.
smugmug shames them all!