system error(nofiles)
I left my laptop uploading a bunch of images last night, and when I came back to it this AM, I was greated by the message "Error response from SmugMug system error (nofiles)"
It looks like some kernel parms need to be bumped up...
It looks like some kernel parms need to be bumped up...
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Sorry about your troubles. I've never heard of this error before. Your upload log does show errors (stats tab of your control panel). So it could be a connection error.
Could you provide some more details? How many photos did you try to upload? What size were they? Which uploader did you use? What operating system and browser version?
If you haven't done so, give it another try with our Simple uploader and the Send To SmugMug uploader.
If it works with Send To SmugMug but not the Simple uploader, see if you need a new version of java. Get it from .
If you've done so and still have problems, email us at the helpdesk with all details and a link to this thread as well.
Also include a screenshot of your whole screen showing the error that you reported earlier if you're able to reproduce it so that we can see it.
SmugMug Support Hero
In either case, if the system can't open a file because it's run out of file handles, it'll throw a "nofiles" error and terminate the process.
Find a Unix admin and ask them about it.
There were two batches - one of ~50, and another of ~180. The batch of 180 pics was the one that failed after uploading 108 pics. Since I wasn't here, I don't know if the smaller batch was uploading when the larger batch failed.
Unknown. I'd expect under 6MB.
LR plugin.
Windows Vista Home Premium 64 bit. No browser was in use at the time.
I simply told the LR plugin to restart, it (hopefully) figured out which images hadn't been updated, and I had it restart the gallery export. It's running right now, and has ~15 more pics to go.
But the SM gallery I've put the screenshot in appears to be 'stuck' with a 'processing image' icon.
The screenshot is in this gallery.
Kinda odd for a 100K jpg.
while uploading pics to this gallery.
My Website index | My Blog
while uploading to this gallery.
and this one, too
Please write our heroes for fastest service, okay? Thanks
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Since this hasn't been a 'right now' problem, and a support rep had responded here, I figured I'd just update this as I went along with the expectation that someone would be monitoring this and figure things out eventually.
One of our lovely Support Heroes
Is there something you guys want to make public about the SH group?
No response from the help@ email I sent in earlier either.
Unfortunately "system error" is -not- symptomatic of a connection error - it's a OS error.
So what do I need to do get this escalated to someone who'll actually do some digging?
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Hopefully they'll find and fix it soon before too many follicles are lost.
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Hi Robert, OK - unfortunately these things can be hard to pin down. We have 100s of thousands of folks uploading with no trouble right now, still, we want to fix you!
What also usually happens is the issue goes away as quickly as it comes. Try again this weekend, and holler at us if you still have troubles, okay?
It appears (hopefully) that my other upload problems (wrong format) have magically disapeared but now Im getting a nofiles error quite often. It doesnt show up in the error log either.
Hi Robert,
As you can see by this thread, the "no file" issue isn't an easy nut to crack. As you say, there are no errors in your upload log. It is almost like your connection isn't connectiing to Smugmug. I am sending you some suggestions.
Please hang in there with us and we WILL get to the bottom of this